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TW! Child Abuse, Trauma, Hard Themes.


You hadn't heard from Gru or the girls in a while, which made sense. After sessions with the girls, which usually made up teatime and talking, she would tell you what they've been up to (plus info from Nefario).

She had learned that he was making a jam and jelly company, seeing how they had all of the equipment and the tools the genetically create the best-tasting fruit. Margo had told Anita that Gru rarely comes out of the lab, trying to perfect each fruit so that it would come out sweet or tangy each time.

Honestly, you admired that. How dedicated he was to his work. How careful he was when experimenting on the gene sequence of the seeds and patient to see the rates.

Anita walked through the door, plopping down on the couch, "Can you-"

"I already ordered the stuffed crust sausage pizza and Cherry-Cola, how did the visit go?" You watched as she sat up, pulling out the files from her purse.

"To sum it up, Margo has made many friends and is getting good grades. While her trauma isn't as prominent as Edith's, it's still there and needs to be dealt with, hence why she's got an adult mentality.

She doesn't know any other way to react. Unfortunately, I'm not a therapist, so you'll have to wait for that email from her to see how the girls are being treated." Anita looked at the woman who handed her a bottle of water.

"Has she shared anything else besides what we already know?" You asked as she finished taking a drink.

"No... and I'm starting to think it's because her brain is blocking traumatic experiences to protect her. I'm sure it started when Gru gave them up." Anita flipped through the first file, making sure she didn't miss anything else important before handing it to you.

"Agnes barely shows any signs of trauma, probably because she was too young to remember. From what she does remember, however, was that her mother brought many men home, three of those being the girls' dad.

There would be many times when their mother got loud downstairs - most likely yelling at someone or something - and Margo would take the girls to their room, distracting them with a movie or music." Anita skimmed through the file, "In school, they say she's a social butterfly and is the most adorable child there, she's very nice and very trusting."

You smiled as she handed you the file, then looked at her, "Edith?"

Anita looked to you in worry, "Out of the three, she's the worst, I don't think I could ever talk about what she's experienced. It made me sick to even put it on record. I want you to read it on your own time and we'll discuss it later."

She switched the channel, watching how the news replayed the footage of the Prime Minister placing the pasted copy of Diana's necklace in the safe, now guarded higher, she chuckled, watching the anchor switch to a new segment "Villain Beginnings".


It was your tenth Villain-Con and you were going to speak in the hall, of course, you had booths littered all over, and you wanted the best scientist you could get your hands on. Your aunt had been retired for a very long time, building her home in England took time and money, but she had all of that.

You made sure that staff members were to take pictures of you and your booths so she could track your progress and make memories at the same time. She even has the picture of when you and Uncle Herb came up with your villain name. I mean, Scarlet Overkill doesn't just raise a child without expecting anything in return, but of course, she would never tell you that.

After a while, she and Herb started to think of you as a daughter. Herb taught you mechanics while Scarlet taught you everything (except for music enhancement, but we'll get to that later).

You were standing in the hallway as a blonde woman walked in, sitting down in one of the middle rows, "It doesn't start for another hour, you know?"

The woman looked up, "Sorry, I didn't know this area was closed. you should leave a sign."

You glanced at her, "It's not closed, but I assume you're listening in for information?"

She stood up and walked to the stage, you could see her face now, "So you're Red Whisper."

You watched her, something clicking, "And I assume you're the Brutal Blonde."

She smiled, "I think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."


The next time you saw her, she was applying to be your assistant, "and a Doctorate in psychology."

You smirked, "What are you, Harley Quinn?"

Anita chuckled, "Something like that, though I do need to tell you that I have IED, otherwise known as Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

"Well shit, you are the Harley Quinn of this universe... would that make me the Joker?" You joked as she snickered.

"I think that makes you the Poison Ivy." She watched as you nodded.

"Fair enough, she's hot." You sat forward, "Anita, congratulations, you're now my assistant." You stood up, shaking her hand.


You and Anita clicked after that. Of course, dealing with her disorder was a little tough when you started, you got used to it over time. She taught you about Music Psychology and how it would be a useful tool for you, and in return you taught her how to subtly use her sexuality for her heists, being impartial to all genders and ages (so maybe her attraction to Nefario was your fault).


The doorbell ringing got Anita out of her train of thought, standing up after switching the channel to TLC sometime when she spaced out. When you opened the door you paid and tipped the delivery man generously, putting the food on the counter. You even opened a pack of cookies and chips and dumped them in the bowl.

Setting up the coffee table so the both of you could eat on the couch, you placed the bowls down, walking back to get the soda and the pizzas. you noticed Anita finally get up, walking to the thermostat and turning it down as low as she could then to the closet and taking out two fluffy blankets and large pillows.

You sighed, knowing that if she brought out two wine glasses instead of regular cups this would be something different, and sure enough, she did, pouring one of the bottles of Cola in both and switching it to Discovery+ you watched as she carefully typed in 90 Day Fiancé.

Chuckling, you felt your phone vibrate, taking it out of your pocket while Anita went to the bathroom to change into her matching 90s tracksuit, "What's wrong, blondie?"

"Are we still up for that date? You know how much he wants this relationship to happen." The voice asked over the phone.

"How much he wants it to happen? Or you?" You responded, listening to his response.

Slipping out of your white Crocs, you sat on your side of the couch, smiling while you listened to him on the phone.


Status:  Edited {1}

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