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You helped the girls get their rooms settled, the three of them deciding to room together, even though you had more than enough room to let them have separate rooms.

After helping them unpack you helped Lucy into the room next door, "Oh Fritz! You can leave Gru's bags here." She said to the man going across the hall.

You looked at her, "Oh, I forgot, you're American. Lucy, You and Gru are having separate rooms, I hope you don't mind."

Lucy looked at you in confusion, as you gave an awkward chuckle, "I guess it's likely that you did not research the country you were visiting, huh."

You sighed, pulling her bags into the closet, "In Freedonia, it is a custom to separate visitors by sex when visiting a house, if there is extra space of course. It's so that nothing bad happens in their host's house. That and if you get into a fight, you will be able to sleep in separate rooms."

Lucy thought for a moment, "Where are you sleeping?"

You looked at her, "a few doors down, my room is directly across from Dru's."

You walked to the hallway, "This is the female side, and that is the male side. It is common for unwed couples to sleep in different rooms if they're housed together."

Lucy watched as you set her towels in the bathroom, "I rarely go into Dru's room, it's only when necessary that I go in, then again I shouldn't explain my whole relationship to you."

You clasped your hands together, "now, let's go see the town, shall we?"


Fritz was explaining the festival as all of you walked through the town, you had gotten an important call and stepped away for a moment.

"No! I don't care how much it costs, he wants that fabric, and only that fabric. The next time you call it better be to ask me how many yards I require." You hung up and turned, seeing Lucy hand the two younger girls money and let them run off.

You sighed, seeing the new stepmother not care where they were going, you followed them to the candy cart and stopped them as they tried to buy out the man, "Ladies, two candies, that's it."

"What? That's not fair!" Both girls complained as you pointed at the Popansi and the Pasca for the man to put into small containers for the girls to eat while they were at the festival.

"Here, you know better than to eat all that," You handed the man the money and gave them their platter of sweets.

"Lucy said we could take however many we wanted," Edith responded, taking it from you.

"That's not fair! This is why I like Lucy more than you. She's nicer." Your eyes widened as Agnes walked away, back to where Lucy was.

You took a deep breath and walked to Lucy, "Is it true you told the girls they couldn't take the sweets they wanted?"

"It's none of your concern." You turned to look for the eldest child.

"Look! Unicorn! Can we go?" Agnes pointed to the sign 'The Tipsy Unicorn'.

"Um later, Y/n, I'm their mom, it is my concern," Lucy argued.

"No, you're their stepmother, I'm their adoptive mother. It's on paper, which means that I hold more authority when it comes to raising my children- where's Margo?"

"Oh, I told her to go get some cheese, there was a little boy who was standing on stage alone, so I made her go up," Lucy said as if it meant nothing.

Your eyes widened, "Are you joking? Please tell me that was a joke."

Lucy laughed, "C'mon, Y/n, it's not that big of a deal. I think Margo just needs to break out of her shell and make some friends. It's all fun."

"No," you panicked, "it's not 'just fun', Lucy you have no idea what you've just done-" You ran to find Margo in the crowd, looking for her somewhere.

You spotted her and crouched, "Oh, thank heavens, sweet girl. Please tell me Lucy didn't make you take some cheese from one of the boys on stage."

You grasped her arms, "Please tell me this is all some sick joke. Please tell me you didn't eat it."

Margo looked at you confused, "Chill, Y/n. It was just some cheese. But it was honestly so humiliating, I never want to do that again."

"Good, because you won't be. We're going home." You stood up, looking at Lucy, "Where are Agnes and Edith?"

"Oh, I thought you had an eye on them." Lucy looked around panicked, "Agnes? Edith?"

Lucy yelled as you looked back to the entrance to the Tipsy Unicorn, "Desigur, ea le-a spus că ar putea intra în tavernă mai târziu, în loc să spună nu." (Of course, she said that they could go in later instead of saying no.)

You walked towards the entrance, then a sharp loud piercing scream, one you could identify as Agnes finding a unicorn artifact. Unfortunately, the clumsy one did not, thinking it was one of distress.

She pushed you aside, bursting the doors open, you grabbed her before she could harm any civilians, "You truly are a terrible agent."

You walked up to the barkeep, "Bună Anton, cum merge facile?" (Hello Anton, how's business?)

He smiled, "Toate bune, mulțumesc. Am primit acel transport pentru nuntă. Este în depozit dacă vrei să-l vezi." (All good, thank you. I got that transport for the wedding. It's in storage if you want to see it.)

You shook your head, "Poate altă dată, tocmai am venit pentru acești doi. Sper că nu au fost probleme. Aveam mâinile pline." (Maybe another time, I just came for these two. I hope there were no problems. I had my hands full.)

He laughed, "I see. Well, good luck, and let me know any other details for the wedding."

You smiled, holding their hands on the way out, "Fritz, we'd like to go home, please. I need to talk to Lucy in private."

He nodded, opening the door for you, "We'll be home shortly miss."


"The cops are coming!" Dru freaked out as Gru pulled him into the car, "I got this."

He drove, maneuvering a way to get past the cops, "AHHHH! PIGS!" The car stopped, "AHH! COPS!"

The car raised, making the cops fall on the pigs, it then jumped and turned into a drill, making a huge hole leading to the sea.

"Ooh! That was so fun!" Dru laughed as he struggled to take his clothes off.

"I thought you were about to pee your pants," Gru said, laughing and tossing the octopus that was on his face back into the ocean.

Dru stopped and looked down, "I did!"

The two laughed and stopped by a small sand deposit on the coast, unaware of what was waiting for them at home.

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Status: Edited {1}

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