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Dinner was perfect. Enticing and intimate. Antonio and I were quick to catch up with each other and we ended up talking for around three hours straight about everything—from our childhood stories to our most embarrassing moments. The restaurant at this point was close to closing and I made out the several other couples and groups of people who got up from their tables and made their way towards the car park.

Antonio got Zainab to make something called 'baklava', a sweet flaky pastry packed full of nuts, syrup and dough. He explained that although there was an Italian recipe to it, he preferred Zainab's Lebanese version.

"It's better if you sprinkle pistachios on top." Antonio mumbled in a mouthful and moved the small bowl of crush pistachios to the middle of the table, taking a pinch and sprinkling it on top of his bite before finishing it off. I copied him and took a bite, enjoying the mix of sweet syrup and salty nuts.

"Ohh that.." I chuckled with my cheek full. "That's good."

He let a satisfied grin spread on his face and continued eating, watching me every so often as I took a bite out of the sweet pastry. Before long, we finally finished and Antonio took hold of my keys, not forgetting to give his thanks to his staff before leaving. As we walked along the path back to the car, I felt his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer.

His cologne was comforting to breathe in, making my night all the more cosier. Once we finally reached the car, Antonio planted a gentle kiss on my head before opening the passenger seat for me. I raised a brow with a smirk. "You're driving?"

"After you almost killed us on the way here?" He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm driving."

I shook my head in disbelief, letting a giggle escape my lips before I sat down in the passenger seat. Antonio handed the keys to me to start the car, which I did upon watching him round the hood of the car, his eyes fixated on a shop across the street.

"Tonio!" I rolled down his window, looking out to see him walk towards it. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back baby, just stay there for me." Antonio spoke out before making his way to the other side. I listened and took out my phone, feeling it vibrate in my hand. A text flashed across my screen.

Kiki: 'How are you doing babe?'

Fuck. I haven't talked to her in ages. The last I saw Kiki was a few weeks back when she visited over at Antonio's place. I could tell she still had a sour spot for him but she's more loose now that Ray is with her almost 24/7. I typed, quickly replying to her message.

Alia: 'I'm doing good. You?'
Kiki: 'Yeah I'm fine. Ray finally gave me the heads up to be able to go out again, but I can't meet up with you for a while, unless it's something relevant like studying.'

Ray must've been paranoid too and I knew it had something to do with Kiki being a witness at my interview with Alonzo. Probably with Kiki playing a big part in assisting with the article. The guilt just kept lingering around.

Alia: 'Why?'
Kiki: 'Idk. He said some shit like it's easier for us to get caught together by Giovanni's men. I don't know if he's serious or not.'
Alia: 'He is.'

My fingers lingered over the keyboard.

Alia: 'I'm sorry, Kiki. I hope you're doing good though. I miss you.'

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