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"How's your assignments going?" I asked, pushing the stiff shopping cart down the aisle. One of the wheels was fucked with gunk caught up in it and I had to literally drag the damn thing across the shop. Since my period officially ended, I thought I'd be productive today and stock up my apartment.

"It's alright" Kiki replied and I pressed the phone against my shoulder, awkwardly reaching out to grab a box of crackers. "Just very time consuming. We're currently doing a toxicology report at the moment."

"Uh huh." I hummed, flipping the box around and looking down at the price. "Ooh half price."

"What are you up to at the moment?" She asked on the other side of the phone. I threw the box into the cart and carried on with my shopping. I know Antonio already bought a shit ton of groceries for me last week but I barely had any fucking snacks stocked up in my house. Kiki ate one of the only packet of chips he got me and for the last few days I've been deprived of sweets and sugar.

"Snack shopping" I responded and turned a left, making my way towards the beverages. "You ate the last fucking chips I was saving for the weekend."

"You know I have needs, deal with it." Kiki chuckled and I could almost sense the roll of her eyes. I dragged my fingers across the products, stopping at a juice box before picking it up and placing it in the cart.

"Whatever fatass." I giggled and held my phone. "Any plans for today?

"No.." Kiki groaned. "I need a drink so fucking badly. Ray's barely home and I wanna do shit." I heard her gasp from the other end of the phone. "Are you free tonight? We should get drinks. Have a girl's night to ourselves you know?"

"Sorry Kiki. Antonio already claimed it." I mumbled with a slight grin spreading across my face. "He asked me out last night."

"About damn TIME!" She squealed into the phone, her high pitch tone sending my ears ringing. I giggled and continued pushing the cart.

"Well he didn't really ask. He kinda just told me." I mumbled in a lower tone. "I'm not complaining don't get me wrong I just—"

She probably thought I was a blushing mess.

My words got caught in my throat and I let out a deep sigh in defeat. "You know what I mean."

"You sound hot, Alia." Kiki teased and I scowled under my breath, pushing the cart up to the tills. With my head pressing the phone down to my shoulder, I placed the contents of the cart onto the counter and watched as the cashier started scanning the items. "What's the matter? Panties caught up in a twist. Don't tell me your pussy's throbbing ri-"

"I swear to fuck I'll slap the shit out of you." I scowled to Kiki and the cashier looked up at me, giving me an offended expression. I gave back an apologetic frown back to her, mouthing 'sorry'.

"That'll be $23.90" The cashier said and I tapped my card, looping the plastic bags around my fingers before walking off.

"You just don't know when to shut up do you?"
"I clearly don't." Kiki replied like a smartass, making my tongue flick across my teeth in frustration. The shop was just three streets down from my apartment and we ended up talking the whole way til I reached it, of course.. Kiki was teasing me the whole damn way. Kiki can be such a fucking idiot at times but that's one of the things I love about her.

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