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After our classes, Kiki dropped me off at my apartment. It was dark at this point—probably around 6-7 pm in the evening. Marcus' car was parked at the end of the street and feeling nice, I gave him a sushi roll I bought at my school campus.

Only because I was feeling nice. He's still a dick to me sometimes.

Before long, I finally set foot into the apartment complex, letting out an energy-draining sigh. Kiki and I ended up staying at the campus for a few extra hours since she had the pleasure of discussing her plans with me, as well as how her living situation was at the moment. Our conversation drifted into the fine details of her wedding plan, despite her reminding me that she and Ray still had a year or two left.

She was excited, and she had every fucking reason in the book to be. Unzipping my jacket, I let out a long huff and walked past the reception desk. My apartment was pretty big—and was often accompanied by some other students that attended the other universities nearby. We had a reception desk, a lounge, an outdoor pool—everything.

For a second, my eyes skimmed over the reception lobby and fixated on the eyes of the receptionist behind the desk. She was staring at me and before I could turn to walk upstairs, she called out.

"Are you Ms Santi?" Her expression appeared weary, her top lip sucked between her teeth. With my face twisting into one of confusion, I walked towards her, nodding slightly.

"Yes I am?" I spoke slowly. "Do you need anything?"

"You've got mail." The woman spoke. Ah. I watched her fidget with a pen in one hand before letting her eyes wander down onto the carpet behind the reception desk. Something felt off, and it was starting to get my skin crawling.

"I'll check my mailbox, thanks for the reminder." I spoke upon looking over at the mail room, about to make my way there before she stopped me.

"I've got it." She spoke, reaching down behind the desk to pull out something. Curiously, I stepped closer to the desk, tapping my finger against it with a smile.

Only then did the thing she pull out quickly wipe
that grin off me.

A small bouquet of white roses and an envelope with no return address to it. My brows knitted in confusion, glancing down at the gift before me. If Antonio wanted to give me flowers, surely he wouldn't have mailed the damn thing to me, not forgetting the envelope which only raised more questions.

"He asked me to hold onto it, otherwise the roses would wither away in the mail box." The woman chucked lightly and shrugged. "Here you go."

I took hold of the flowers and envelope, cradling it to my chest as I looked back up at the woman. My stomach felt weak, and as if instinctively I felt something itching the skin on my back. "Who did?"

"The mail guy." The lady simple said. "Not sure how he got the flowers but they seemed important enough that he asked me to look after them for the meantime til you came back."

It was as if my mind completely short circuited. My eyes glanced back down at the gifts before I waved off the lady, making my way towards my apartment door upstairs. Flowers... and an envelope with no return address.

I quickly got into my apartment and locked the door behind me, setting the flowers onto the table before I ripped open the side of the envelope, pulling it out. The letter inside was folded ever so neatly and once I straightened it out, my eyes widened. My stomach dropped into my ass the second I saw what was written on the letter.

A pizzino.

"This is bullshit." I spoke and chuckled, in a state of denial. It was similar to the one found in the hands of Jason Miller, a dead man, and it irked me that whoever the fuck sent me this letter was threatening me.

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