Bonus Chapter - Cravings

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"Hey baby girl!" Antonio cooed, opening the crack of the door wider to look down at his beloved 10 month old daughter, who was throwing grabby hands up at him as she excitedly wobbled towards him. He walked in, gently closing the door behind him with nothing but a huge bouquet of roses in his hand.

Our anniversary. Of course Antonio had to go all out.

I watched with a cheeky grin as he bent down, scooping Bella in his arm before walking over towards me with the biggest and most loving smile on his face. "Is that for me?" I asked, pushing myself off the couch to lean up, my lips searching for his.

Grabbing hold of his cheeks, he planted a soft kiss on my lips, letting out a light sigh upon pulling back. "What kind of fucking question is that, dolcezza?" He chuckled humorously.

"A simple and innocent one. Thank you baby." I hummed, taking this bouquet from his hand before giving his neck a kiss, pulling a groan out of him. Ever since becoming a freelance journalist, I found the days getting more difficult now that Bella was here. Getting time with him was rare and as much as I loved my daughter, I missed him.

Today, I just fucking craved for him.

Taking the flowers over to the sink to fill a glass vase with water, I looked over to see Bella plant a big wet kiss on his cheek, before pulling back to babble at him. The sight was so fucking adorable.

And yes, in case you were wondering the house was a mess. As much as Antonio wanted me to have time to myself and put her into daycare, I knew he didn't trust them enough to take her for a few hours. Our house was a soft playground for her, and the living room was scattered with cushions and toys that he obviously spoiled her rotten with.

That girl was a literal princess in his arms. No man would dare to lay a finger on her.

She was so goddamn energetic today, too stubborn to sleep and too excited to play—draining every ounce of energy within me. Antonio can deal with her, she's his problem now.

"Mhm." Antonio nodded, listening to her babble on about who knows what, playing along as her attentive listener. "Oh really?" I watched as Bella rested her head against his chest, yapping away as if she had a whole story to tell. She then made pointed at a little teething ring on the floor and once my husband bent down to grab it for her, she went straight to biting the thing viscously.

Bella and Bear were the same. Though as much of a softie he is around Bella, he tried not to be around her seeing how much of an annoying baby she could be. I don't blame him.

Bella was so big now, and yes it was clear Antonio's genetics were dominant in her case. She grew to have beautiful tan skin, plump lips and cute doe eyes paired with the silkiest yet thickest dark curls I've ever seen. Of course, she managed to get his long, beautiful lashes. God it's so fucking unfair having to envy both my husband and daughter.

"She's been waiting to see you all day." I chuckled, watching him draw closer as he gave Bella a teasing kiss on her little plump belly. He was such a great dad and loving husband to us, and being quite a busy yet stoic man himself, it was surprising to see him come back everyday with a smile on his face. On the days that went wrong, I'd be sure to lay down with him just to talk it out but even then he'd still somehow turn it into another session of spoiling me with attention.

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