Reina stands there, shocked, while Alicent grips her hand tight. She cannot become a mother, not this young. Not this soon. She isn't ready to take care of a child, not while she is one too.

"Thank you." Alicent says and grabs Reina hand, leading her out of his chambers. He guides her to her own rooms.

"It will be alright." she reassures Reina once they enter her bedroom. "I will help you throughout your pregnancy and after it."

Reina nods, trying to calm her nerves down."Do you think he will want it?" she asks, afraid Aegon will not accept the child.

"I'm sure he will. He will be delighted to have a baby. You do not have to worry." Alicent hugs her, rubbing her back.

The younger woman smiles and hugs her back. "Thank you." she whispers, grateful to have someone who supports her and cares about her. Even though she isn't her mother and she won't ever replace her place, Reina feels like she can tell her anything and knows that Alicent will always protect her.


That night, when Reina returned to their shared bedchambers after her daily walk with Helaena through the gardens, she finds Aegon pacing back and forth, fidgeting with his hands.

When the door opens and he sees his wife stepping into the room, his face lights up.

Before she can close the door, Aegon comes and cups her face, kissing her lips softly.

Reina is startled by his actions, but kisses him back, closing the door in the process.

"Happy birthday." he says, grinning like a little child.

"Thank you." she says, smiling as well.

"Forgive me, I have not get you any gift." he apologies, still holding her face between his hands.

"It's no problem." she says, still smiling. His eyes goes to the necklace that rests around her neck, his fingers touching it.

"Where did you get this?" he asks, holding the chain between his fingers, caressing the pendant.

"Your mother gave it to me this morning." she says, admiring once again the beautiful piece of gold.

"It suits you. You look lovely." he kisses her lips once again, before pulling away. He leads her to sit on the bed.

"Is it true?" he asks, playing with her red hair.

"What do you mean?" she asks, looking confused as ever.

"I've heard people talking, they said that one of the Princesses is with child." he says and Reina's eyes widen. She didn't want him to find out from someone else. She wanted to tell him herself.

"Um..I..." she tries to find the right words to say, but fails. Aegon grabs one of her hands, kissing it gently.

"I'm not mad. I'm just...shocked." he says, trying to reassure her, seeing how her demeanour changed drastically.

"Is it true. I've found out this morning." she admits, looking down, afraid to meet his eyes.

"Really? Are you...are you certain?" he doesn't seem to believe her words.

"Yes, the maester confirms it after your mother noticed the changes."

Aegon nods repeatedly. "Are you happy?" his eyes shine with delight and he begins to smile very widely.

Reina doesn't answer, she is lost in her own thoughts. Is she really happy about the fact that she will be a mother in less than a year?

"I'm not...I don't know how I feel about this. I'm afraid I will fail this child and he will grow to hate me." she admits, looking into his deep violet eyes.

He looks back at her, worried about her feelings on the matter. He looks deep into her eyes and he cannot help but feel a bit guilty for her. She seems to have a lot of feelings about her pregnancy and he wonders how he can help her. He rubs his hand gently along her back and says to her softly.

"I am sure you will not fail our child, I believe in you. We will both love our baby and make sure he grows into a kind, good person."

"I know...but I'm terrified. What if...what if there will be complications during birth?" she says, picking at her nails, a habit she finds herself doing since her father sold her to Larys.

He notices her nails and he places his hand over hers to stop her. He wants to calm her down and make her feel better about everhthing. He feels his heart breaking when he sees how scared and worried she is and he pulls her close to him, hugging her tightly.

"Do not worry about these what-ifs. Your pregnancy and birth will go smoothly, I am certain of it. There will be nothing to worry about." his voice is more confident than he feels at the moment.

She nods, hugging him back, resting her head on his shoulder.

He lets out a sigh of relief as he feels her tense body soften and relax. He holds her tightly in his arms and cannot help but feel relief that she is calming down. His mouth moves to her ear and he whispers "You will be okay, I have full faith in you."

She gets up, changing in her nightgown, placing the necklace Alicent gifted her today carefully on the mirror table.

Aegon watches her from the bed, admiring the way she looks in her nightgown. His eyes fall on the necklace and he feels a bit guilty because he has not gotten a gift for her. He feels even more eager now to make it up to her, to make her feel special.

As she places the necklace down, he gets up silently from the bed and goes to her. He stands behind her and places his hands over the straps of her nightgown, slowly letting them fall over her shoulders.

He starts to slide her nightgown off her body slowly and gently. His touch is tender and his hands move very carefully down her body.

He finishes slowly taking the nightgown off and his hands continue to move down her body. His hands run along her hips and he leans down and whispers into her ear, his breath hot against her skin. "You are so beautiful. I'm proud to call you mine."

The feel of his breath on her skin sends shivers down her spine and she feels a wave of excitement and warmth rising through her.

His lips inch slightly to her neck and he begins to kiss it softly and gently. His hot breath makes her body tense up slightly and she feels her heartbeat rise. Her breath hitches slightly and she feels overwhelmed with feelings of tenderness and desire.

He turns her around and kisses her lips passionately, pulling her body closer to him. Her hands run through his hair as he guides her to the bed.

She helps him pull his shirt over his head and kisses him again. He gets between her legs and traces kisses slowly, from her neck down to her belly.


"Reina is pregnant." Alenor voice echoes in the almost empty room. Marton looks up with widen eyes at his son's words.

"A raven arrived from King's Landing saying she is expecting." he continues.

"Do you think she knows?" his father asks, sightly scared.

"No. Larys would have informed us." Alenor speaks confident. "I trust him to do his work."

"You are probably right. Write to him, tell him to be careful and not let that girl find out." Marton says, going back to his work.

"I will, father. Though, if she will find out I don't fear she will do something." his son says, smirking.

"If she has a son? I already fear her husband will fall in love with her." Reina's father speaks, thinking about all the possibilities.

"Nonsense. Aegon won't love her, never." Alenor speaks, "I know about his habits."

"I hope you are right." Marton says, wiping his glasses with a handkerchief.

"I'm always right, father. Especially about those bastards." Alenor says, laughing.

Marton laughs as well. "Go and write to Strong. Tell him to notify us about every little detail about her pregnancy."

"On my way." Alenor says and leaves his father's office.

A/N: what could they be possibly talking about?! follow me on tiktok: tooluvv ❤️

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