45| Can you at least try to be helpful?

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I jolt up as Stiles starts screaming. He falls off the bed. I jump off, trying to get him to look at me. It's like he's sleeping.

Noah bursts in and grabs Stiles body. He flails around in Noah's arms. He calms down, looking at me. Noah lets him go as I grab his face.

"You're okay.."

"Are you okay?"

I look at Noah, nodding my head. I'm not the one who died and came back.

Noah leaves us. We get back onto the bed. Stiles shakily grabs my hand.

"Stiles.." I whisper. "Are you okay"

"I-I don't know."

He looks at his clock. It's five thirty. Which means we'd be up in an hour anyway. So we lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

I rub his arm up and down. We spend the time by talking about the most random topics until I get up to get ready for school.

We drive to school together because why not. He drives, of course. I keep looking at him. The way he was screaming is embedded into my head. He was terrified.

We find a somewhat freaked out Scott. He is staring at his shadow that looks completely normal but to him its not.

"It's happening to you too."

"How'd you know?"

"Because it's happening to all three of you."

I look behind Stiles at Lydia.

"That's great.." I say. "See I knew there would be consequences."

We walk towards the school.

"Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one."

"We are not crazy."

Lydia turns to Allison.

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine."

"We did die and come back to life. That's gotta have some side effects, right?"

"It does. Which is why I said it was dangerous."

Stiles, Scott and I walk to history. I walk to the only open spot in the back. The new teacher introduces himself as I look at the girl beside me. She slams her head against the desk. Her dad's the new history teacher.

I lean over my desk and hold my hand out. She looks at me surprised. And for some reason I feel like I'm meant to know her. That this is the girl Lainey told me about.

"I'm Aurora.. but you can call me Rory."


"I know."


I ripe a piece of paper off my notebook and write down my number. I give it to her.

"If you ever need someone to talk to."

I smile, turning back to the front.


I take my phone out as it starts ringing. I look at Noah's name. He never calls me. He honestly barely even texts me.


"What are you doing after school?"

"I was probably going to study.. why?"

"I could use your eyes."

"For what exactly?"

"Just come to the station after school."


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