21| You need to keep your Beta's in check

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Stiles walks with me to chemistry, making a pitstop at his locker. He rambles about who the kanima could be.

"What if it's Matt?"

"That weird kid?"

"I mean it's plausible, right?"

I look down the hall to Matt. I can't imagine him being the kanima. I don't know much about Matt besides the fact he's weird as hell. 

I caught him taking pictures of Lainey last year. I almost shoved him in a locker but Harris caught me and gave me a detention for it. 

I turn back to Stiles, shaking my head. I just can't see him as it. 

"You said him because you don't like him."

"No." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Okay, maybe. He's weird."

"You're right about that."

Lainey interrupts our conversation. 

"Derek thinks Lydia's the kanima."

"What?" I laugh. "I think I'd know if my sister was this lizard thing roaming around Beacon Hills killing people. And it's not really possible considering she's probably a Banshee."

"Okay but we are not sure it's not her."

I smack Stiles arm. 

"Isaac and Erica are going to test her."

"Test her how?"

I look behind Lainey and see Isaac and Erica walk into chemistry. 

"Something happens to Lydia, Lain, I'm killing your little boyfriend and that bitch."

My blood boils as I walk into class. I sit beside Lydia.

"Erica, you take the first station."

I turn around as a bunch of hands go up in anticipation. I look at Erica before rolling my eyes.

"I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall."

I'm assigned with Isaac first. I start by pouring the liquid into a vial.

"You may be my best friends boyfriend, Lahey.. but I'm not above murder."

I look at him with a big smile. He looks at me almost terrified. 

"And I'll make it look like an accident."

I finish the rest of our station as Harris rings his bell.

"Switch stations."

I stand up, leaning over the desk.

"Same goes for if you break her heart."

I walk over to my last station finishing the project with Allison.

"If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly you should now be looking at a crystal. Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it."

Allison grabs the crystal as I shake my head.

"Ew.. I'm not eating that."

We both look at Lydia and Isaac. He hands her the crystal when Scott stands up screaming her name. She eats the crystal with no reaction. I glare at Isaac before we rush out of class.

"Derek's outside waiting for Lydia."

Scott pulled Allison, Lainey, Stiles and I into coaches office. 

"Waiting to kill her?"

"If he think's she's the kanima then yes especially everything that happened at the pool."

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