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Home again

I wake up to the door to our room wide open and Jude not lying next to me anymore. I roll over on the bed and check the time. 10:23. Fuck we have to leave at 11:30. Jude comes walking into the room once I finally get up and drag my suitcase out of the closet.

"Why didn't you wake me up." I ask him as I begin quickly packing my stuff into my suitcase. I still have to shower which is why I'm hurrying, and the airport is about 30 minutes away.

"I lost track of time. I've been up since 8:45." He tells me as he also grabs his suitcase from the closet.

I groan as I walk into the bathroom because I really hate being rushed when trying to make it to the airport. I quickly wash my body and as I'm doing that, I make sure to wash my hair as well.  Once I'm out of the shower I change into my airport outfit and decide to put my hair into a bun. I do light makeup, then walk out of the bathroom and look at the time. 10:49. Not bad. Jude is still in the room but this time he's lying on the bed on his phone. I put the rest of my things into my suitcase, then I zip up my suitcase and leave it by the door like Denise told me to do.

"I'm just going to wait out in the living room until it's time to go." I inform Jude as I walk out of the room. He hums a yes but remains in the room and I walk into the kitchen to get a quick breakfast in before we have to go. Pretty much everyone is out here except for Jude and my sister, so once I grab my breakfast I go sit down by Denise.

"I heard you're joining us in a couple of weeks for Jude's England camp. I'm so excited to show you around, and since its nearing Christmas we can go to this wonderful amusement park." Denise excitedly tells me. I nod my head and agree with how fun that sounds, and soon everyone is out in the living room so we can head to the airport. I'm in a car with Jude, Natalie, Toby, Jobe, and my sister, and we're actually ahead of schedule.

"Ugh I don't want to leave." I say to Jude as I lean my head on his shoulder. Jude and I are sat in the way back, while Toby, Natalie, and Jobe are in the middle with my sister sitting in the passenger seat.

"Same. It was so relaxing." Jude replies. I nod my head and then reach into my bag to grab out my headphones as tune everyone out.


The flight isn't that long, but unfortunately once we got off the plane, I had to say goodbye to my family. I knew I would visit them soon, but I also didn't want to leave them at all. Once we said our goodbyes Jude and I went to go get the car and pick up Toby and Natalie. It wasn't a hard process, and everyone was out of the airport in about 15 minutes. It was almost 3 when we got back to our house, and we also said goodbye before going into our own houses. I walked in and dropped my bag off at the door and made my way to the couch and grabbing a blanket as well. I didn't sleep one bit on the plane and now I was really feeling the sleep hitting me. Jude followed me and joined me on the couch, laying at the edge of my feet.

"I keep forgetting that I have practice tomorrow and you have to go back to work." Jude tells me as I run my hands through his hair.

"Yeah, they texted me that I have to go in early tomorrow." I reply to him as I close my eyes.

"At least we have a break in about 2 weeks." Jude says as he shifts around getting more comfortable. I nod my head at his point then also adjust my position so I can get more comfortable and sleep.


I woke up it was dark outside. I look around and see Jude still fast asleep, so I carefully get up and go to the bathroom. As I'm drying my hands, I hear something fall onto the floor, so I quickly get out of the bathroom to see what it was. I look over at the couch and see Jude arms stretched out on the coffee table right next to the couch, and when I look down at the ground, I see a pile of books on the ground. It amazes me by how much of a heavy sleeper Jude is. I pick up the books quietly then go upstairs to our room to shower. When I walk into our room, I look at the clock and it reads 6:06am. I'm actually surprised that I slept through the whole night, but I guess it was just because I didn't realize how tired I was.  I go into my dresser and pick out some sweat shorts, then I go to Jude's side of the dresser and take out a white oversized tee. I go into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Once I turn on the water, I set my clothes on the counter then get in. It's a pretty quick shower because all I'm doing is washing my body. Once I'm out of the shower I do my skincare, put on my outfit, and do my hair, putting it into a messy bun. Then I grab my clothes and walk out of the bathroom and put my dirty clothes in the laundry bin. When I walk out, I'm met with Jude laying on the bed with his hand under his head for support and watching something on his phone.

Endless Nights // Jude Bellinghamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن