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I woke up to the sun shining directly in my face and an arm around my waist. I turn to see Jude facing the window, but his arm is outstretched across my waist. I quietly and swiftly move his arm to a more comfortable position, trying my best not to wake him up in the process. I tiptoe to the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind me. I look for the nearest small tower so I can wash my face with water. I splash water against my face, making sure to wash off any excess makeup Jude couldn't get off last night. I dry my face then go back out to Jude, checking to see if I woke him up. I see that he's still asleep so I grab my phone from the bedside table and sit in the bed until he wakes up. I hear him groan, rubbing his eyes at the same time.
"Good morning." He looks up at me with a smile.
"Morning to you too." I reply, laying down so I'm closer to him. He looks at me for a second, leans forward kissing me on my forehead, then walks into the bathroom and starts the shower. I begin scrolling on my phone, liking instagram posts from my high school classmates who are getting ready for college. I was thinking about whether to go to college or not, which I'm still on the fence about, but I've decide to take a gap year, allowing me to settle into my social life and my life in a whole new country. I feel my phone buzz, tapping on the message notification I just got.

Hey, this is Tolami. I got your number
from Jude and was wondering if you
wanting to hangout sometime! Let me
know if you want to and when you're free!
I hope to see you soon XO!

I instantly reply, saying I'm free whenever and would love to hangout anytime she can. I smile to myself, realizing how lucky I am to be surround with the people around me.
"What are smiling about?" Jude walks out of the bathroom, towel around his waist.
"Nothing. Just thankful." I smile, looking up and getting red in the face. He laughs at my reaction, walking over to his dresser to grab his clothes. He holds up his clothes, motioning that he forgot his clothes so that's why he walked out in a towel, and walks back into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I'm at a loss of word right now so I just stare at the ceiling until Jude gets out of the bathroom. He walks out in grey sweatpants and a black shirt, walks over to the bed to join me, and sits down next to me.
"Want to hangout today?" He asks, grabbing his phone from the bedside table.
"Eh, not really." I joke, laughing because I think I'm funny. He rolls his eyes and shifts his body so his back is to me, showing that he's 'mad'.
"Calm down. Don't go pout in the corner." I grab his shoulder, rolling him over to face me. He smiles at me, to which I roll my eyes but eventually smile too.
"So you do want to hangout." Jude states, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
"I might be hanging out with Tolami, but you might be able to come." I shrug, not really knowing whether she's free or not. He groans at the comment but eventually accepts my offer. We stay in silence for a little bit, just scrolling on our phones and enjoying each others company.
"I think I should go." I sigh, shifting my body to face Jude.
"I don't think you should." Jude states, completely serious. He pulls me into him and lets out a big sigh, which makes me comfortable but also get a wave of tiredness hit me.
"Jude, I really have to go." I whine, trying to escape his grasp. He groans but reluctantly lets me go, to which I get up and grab my things. Jude gets up after me and follows me out the door, walking very close to me.
"Okay, maybe see you later today." I say to him as we reach his front door. He opens the door for me, follows me out to my car, and grabs my stuff from my hands and puts it in my trunk.
"Thanks. You didn't have to." I sigh, getting into my car but not closing the door. He puts his hands on my door to close it, but before he does he leans in quickly, connecting our lips. The feeling I felt last night has returned, causing me to smile a little bit but I quickly wipe it off, leaning deeper into the kiss. This kiss isn't as aggressive as it was last night, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. He kisses me gently, lightly caressing my cheek causing them to heat up. He pulls away slowly, none of us wanting to stop and smirks at me.
"I wanted to. Goodbye Ellie." He smiles, referring to the conversation we were having earlier. He closes my door for me and walks to his front door, but doesn't go inside as he is waiting to make sure I get out safe. I wave to him then start the car, driving away quickly and smiling to myself. I hear my phone buzz as my car reads the text message to me.
"Tolami: I'm free tonight if you want to hangout then. We can have our own little movie night, feel free to bring anyone. The more the merrier."
I smile and make a mental note to respond to that text when I get home.

Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now