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We decide to go eat dinner with his teammates, so we get the directions then quickly rush to the restaurant. The restaurant is very nice and cozy with candles lit at every table along with white tablecloths and a vase with a flower. We spot Jude's teammates sitting near the back of the restaurant in a secluded space. Jude pulls out the seat for me and then sits in the seat next to me. He hands me a menu and looks over my shoulder at the menu.
"What are you gonna get?" He asks in my ear.
"I think I'm just going to get the steak with Caesar salad." I answer. He hums at that and goes back to looking at the menu I'm holding. Soon enough the waiter comes to take our orders and offer us drinks.
"So how'd you two meet?" Jack Grealish who is sitting to the left of me asks just so I can hear.
"It's a long story, but we saw each other multiple times in public and then eventually he just asked for my instagram then we just hung out I guess." I smile.
"That's very bold of him." Jack laughs. I smile and turn to Jude who is talking to Marcus Rashford and I just listen to their conversation. Eventually the food is brought out and it looks amazing. I turn and see Jude ordered the same thing I did.
"I just thought it sounded good." Jude defends himself as he sees I noticed his food. I smile at that comment and begin eating immediately as I haven't had any food in hours.
"So what's the plan after?" Jadon Sancho asks the group.
"I was thinking we go clubbing. Gotta celebrate somehow." Jack announces. Everyone agrees with that idea so everyone goes home to change if they haven't.
"Do you want to go back to my house? We could drop off my car and just get an Uber." Jude asks.
"Planning on having fun aren't you." I joke. He laughs it off but knows that I'm fine with that so we go to the car and make our way to his house.

We eventually arrive back at his house and I exit the car and go inside to find his brother sitting on the couch in the living room. Jude said he was getting a few things so I don't know how long he will take.
"What are you playing?" I ask sitting next to Jobe.
"Fifa. You any good?" He questions.
"Haven't really played." I reply.
"Here." He gives me a controller and explains the game and what the controls do. I'm up 4-2 when Jude walks down the stairs and sits next to me on the couch.
"Are you lying to me because you're pretty good." Jobe says.
"What can I say it comes naturally." I joke flipping my hair.
"Are you sure? Jobe just sucks." Jude speaks up.
"If you're so good play against me." I state. He looks at me then at Jobe and gives in, making Jobe move and taking his controller.
"First to 2. We have places to be." I instruct. He jokingly rolls his eyes and begins the game. It's 1-1 and I have the ball and am dribbling past his defence. I quickly pass the ball around the final line and release a shot that hits the post but reflects off the keeper and goes in. I jump up and begin cheering with Jobe while Jude sinks in the couch and curses quietly. As soon as I'm done celebrating in his face I sit down on the couch out of breath.
"Come on pretty boy, quit sulking it doesn't look good on you." I joke.
"Pretty boy you say?" He replies. I roll my eyes and pull at his arms to get him off the couch so we can go. All he does is look up at me and smile which makes me turn around because I don't want him to see me blushing.
"Let's go. You have something to celebrate." I mention. He gets off the couch still staring at me, walks past me and smiles, then out the door. I groan and follow him but make sure that I close the door behind me. I get into the car and grab his phone to play music.
"Will you look at the address after?" Jude asks.
"Sure but I need your Face ID." I reply.
"Just make yourself a Face ID, the passwords 1632." He instructs. I smile down to myself and do as he said and when I look up he's smiling at me.
"Eyes on the road buddy." I say pushing his head back towards the road.
"You're so much better to look at though." He turns his head back. I smile at his comment and turn away so he can't see it.
"Don't hide your smile. It's beautiful." He comments. I blush and put my face in my hands to cover my tomato red face. I look up to him smiling and laughing at my reaction.
"You're annoying." I sigh.
"You love it." He replies.
"You're right." I state.
I turn back to look at the road and rest my head on the door for a little bit. We eventually get to the first club. We get out of the car and look for our group, who we find shortly at the front of the line. We join them in the front, as we're VIP so we go to a secluded booth and have to all be together to get in.
"Follow me." The bouncer instructs after we show him our IDs. As we're walking to our booth I notice that there are a lot of people here, mostly on the dance floor but some sitting down or just wandering around the club.
"Here you are." The bouncer says pulling me out of my thoughts. I thank him and sit in the booth which already has drinks ready for us on the table. I'm sitting next to Jude and Tomali Benson who is Bukayo Sakas girlfriend and she is gorgeous.
"Hi I'm Tolami." She smiles introducing herself.
"Hi, I'm Ellie. You're gorgeous." I comment.
"You're saying that to me? Look at yourself." She replies smiling again. We begin small talk until we're interrupted by Jack who has brought us a round of shots.
"I brought us some shots and expect all of you to be wasted by the end of this." Jack says clearing already a little tipsy as he is slurring his words a little. I laugh at his comment and grab a glass as he instructs.
"To a hopefully winning streak." Jack toasts and everyone cheers to that. After I've taken the shot I lean my head back against the cushions on the booth and just observe my surroundings. My eyes shift around the booth and eventually end upon Jude. My eyes stay on him and I notice how when he laughs it makes everyone around the booth smile, and his energy is so uplifting that any time you're with him you are always happy, not having a worry in the world just enjoying the time you have with him.
"Stop staring it's creepy." Jude laughs pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Can't help it." I admit looking him directly in the eyes so he knows I mean it. He stares right back at me and I take time to look at his features. Sure he's an attractive person but there's so much more than that. His eyes looks so understanding and friendly, his smile is gorgeous and comforting, and how he carries himself is inspiring to anyone that gets to know him.
"You're beautiful." Jude awks pushing the hair behind my ear that fell forward.
"Stop." I blush looking down. He pulls me into him and I lean on his shoulder, listening to everyone else.
"Let's dance." Tolami whispers in my ear grabbing my hands and leading me to the dance floor. I just follow her until she stops in the middle where there's a good amount of room.
"What's going on with you and Jude?" She smirks at me.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Back at the booth it was like there was no one else but you guys. I saw the way you guys looked at eachother." She smiles.
"We're just friends I think. I don't really know, it's a little confusing." I state, realizing I have no idea what we are.
"I think you're more than friends." She replies turning my head to the booth and I see Jude and Marcus looking at me and Jude is smiling from ear to ear. I smile back at him then mouth 'come over here' which he understands and gets up immediately. I see him tap Bukayo and bring him too so that Tolami isn't lonely.
"Sorry." I turn to Tolami apologizing.
"Sorry for what? Go have fun." She smiles pushing me in his direction. I walk through the crowd until I see him and walk over to him.
"Hi." I smile look up into his eyes.
"Hi." He replies grabbing my hand and guiding me through the crowd to the back of the room.
"How are you?" I nervously ask.
"I'm great? How are you?" He returns the question as he leans closer.
"Couldn't be better." I bite the inside of my lip to stop the smiling from appearing on my face.
"Let's dance." He changes the subject grabbing my hand, leading me to where Tomali and Bukayo are. They are in their own little world, dancing together, occasional make out. I put my arms around Jude's neck, him putting his around my waist. When Tolami notices I'm there she winks at me then smiles. Jude saw so he begins laughing to which I lean my head into his chest due to the embarrassment.
"You need to celebrate with your teammates." I shout over the music. He groans at what I say and rests his head on my shoulder.
"I want to celebrate with you." He whines.
"I didn't do anything to help. I was just there." I argue.
"Exactly, you were there. That's what helped me." He smiles lifting his head from my shoulder. I roll my eyes at that comment, adding a laugh at the end because that's kind of cute.
"Okay then how are we going to celebrate, because I know we both aren't drunk." I ask offering to go to the bar.
"I have an idea." Jude blatantly says.
"Oh really? What?" I ask, already knowing what he's thinking. Before I can say anything else he leans in, connecting our lips. Heat is shot through my body and my legs become weak from the his touch. He moves his hands from my waist to behind my ears, playing with my hair as he's kissing me. He then begins lowering his lips to my neck, slowly and gently kissing it, gradually moving farther down my neck. He reaches my collarbone and leave wet, sloppy kissing along it. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now, but I know I don't want it to stop. He eventually comes back to my face when he holds a second of eye contact before connect our lips again. The heat feeing has left my body, but I'm beginning to feel my face heating up and my lips turn up into a smile. He pulls away due to smiling and just stares at me.
"That's a good way to celebrate." I breath out. He smirks at me then guides me back to the booth, where there are more shots waiting for us. Everyone else is at the booth, making it seem like they were waiting for us.
"Oh Ellie, your lipsticks a little smudged." Trent laughs, clearly seeing everything that just happened. I put my hands over my face and feel Jude's hand on my lower back guiding me into the booth. I step up and sit down in my spot that I was in before and don't make eye contact with anyone.
"Had fun over there didn't you." Tolami laughs.
"No. Now I'm embarrassed." I groan putting my head on the table.
"It's fine. No one cares what you guys do in your free time." She laughs rubbing my back.
"This is your fault." I turn to Jude to which he just laughs.
"Okay everyone. None of you seem drunk at all so take these and drink up." Jack insists shoving the shots our way. We all agree, not wanting to disappoint Jacks way of celebrating and take 4 more shots, which is too much for me. I lean on Jude as the alcohol runs down my throat and I begin to feel it. The lights that were once blue, red, green, and purple, all fade into each other creating a blurred light. Basically everyone has left the booth to go and dance so it's just me, Jude, Trent, and Marcus.
"Are you guys feeling it yet?" Trent interrupts the silence at the booth.
"Just a little." I lift my hand to gesture how much of the alcohol I'm feeling.
"Nah, can't say I am." Jude states, clearly joking because he is currently leaning his whole entire body weight on me.
"You sure about that?" I ask, motioning to the position we're in right now.
"I'm feeling it a lot." Marcus speaks up, staring deeply into the candle at our table.
"So all of us are feeling it then." Trent comes to the conclusion.
"We should play a prank on Jack." He adds. My head turns to him, interested in what he has to say.
"We should say one of us got alcohol poisoning, and have to be rushed to the hospital!" Marcus shouts, loving his idea.
"That might be too extreme." Trent pats him on the back.
"What would it be though?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I have to go to the bathroom." Jude slurs his words as he tries to get out of the table.
"Here let me help." I offer, not realizing how bad I am too. I get out from the booth and try to put his arm around my shoulder to help him walk better, but I end up tripping over his leg, which trips him and we both end up on the ground. It stays silent for a second before laughter breaks out. I look up to see Marcus and Trent with worried expression on their faces, but relieved when they see us laughing.
"Come on. Let's go." Jude stand up, offering his hands out to help me up off the floor. I grab his hands, which help me get stable then walk over to the booth really quick, realizing I have to use the restroom too.
"Looks like the pranks going to have to wait guys." I inform Trent, to which he pretends to be sad, but immediately smiles. I turn to Jude and grab his hand which is held out for me and walk to the bathroom.
"Okay I'll wait for you out here." He mentions before walking into the men's bathroom. I walk into the women's and stare at myself in the mirror. There's a moment of realization when you're in a bathroom looking at yourself when you're drunk. It feels weird because it makes me feel like I'm spinning, or that I don't look like myself. I then remember why I came into the bathroom, quickly rushing to the stalls not wanting to make Jude wait longer. I dry my hands off once I've washed my hands and push open the door to find Jude leaning against the wall waiting for me.
"After you." He guides me through the crowd and back to the booth, which is now empty.
"Jude. I have a question for you." I turn to him to let him know I'm serious.
"Anything you ask I'll answer." He replies, looking into my eyes.
"I know guys hate when girls ask this question, but what are we?" I look down, not wanting to see the reaction on his face. He lifts my chin up so I'm facing him, and I see him smiling at me.
"We're whatever you want to be." He smiles, making my stomach do backflips. I smile at that response.
"I'd like to celebrate again now." I state, leaning in closer.
"I'd like that too." He says right before he connects our lips again. It might just be the alcohol, but this kiss feels so much more energetic, passionate, and heated. His hands move from my neck to my back, while mine remain on the back of his neck. His lips are leading the way, knowing exactly when to pull back and knowing when to stay. I decide to remove my lips from his, kissing my way to his ear, leaving wet kisses along the way. His hands are now scooping under me, causing me to straddle him, to which he shifts his hips. I make my way down to his neck, stopping for a second at one spot, then moving to the next. I kiss along his shoulder while his hands are now in my hair and he's kissing my neck. I suck every so often, making sure to wait a few seconds to disconnect my lips from his shoulder. I slowly make my way back up to his face, where I kiss everywhere, cheeks, forehead, noses. I tease him a little by making sure I avoid his lips, releasing a groan from him and I feel my head being pushed so our lips connect again. This time it's much more passionate, his lips are fighting against mine, his tongue finds its way into my mouth, causing me to gasp for air. My hands are on his back, carefully scratching up and down his back. His tongue is in places I didn't know a tongue could be and it feels so good and I never want it to end. He removes his lips from mine and kisses along the side of my neck, all the way up to my ear. He's leaving wet sloppy kisses due to the alcohol, but it feels perfect. He  goes back to my neck kissing it, every so often lightly sucking it, then returning connecting his lips to mine one last time.
"Somehow it always gets better and better." Jude breaths out, smiling as well.
"Couldn't agree with you more." I smile, turning to grab my purse because I'm ready to leave.
"It's getting kind of late. Ready to go?" He turns to me. Not noticing I was already grabbing my things.
"Yep." I jump up, walking out of the booth and following him. We say bye to everyone and call an Uber to pick us up.

We get in the Uber , and the wave of tiredness I get when I'm drunk is hitting me now. I close my eyes for a second, and when I wake up I'm in Jude bed, but he's not there. I look around, noticing a light coming from the bathroom so I assume he's in there. I turn my body so I'm just staring at the ceiling.
"Oh you're awake." Jude says, walking out of the bathroom in his pajamas.
"Yeah. I just woke up." I reply, rubbing my face.
"I didn't want to wake you so I just carried you inside, took off your makeup, and tucked you in." He says walking over to me and getting into the bed.
"You took off my makeup?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah. I didn't want you to wake up with smudge mascara, you know because then I don't know if I'd be able to look at you again." He jokes, facing me. I smile at him, appreciating the effort, and pull him into a hug. It's nice and warm, making me feel cozy and comfortable.
"Thank you." I smile, letting go and looking at him.
"It's no problem. Goodnight Ellie." He shakes it off and kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight Jude." I turn around, reaching for the lamp and turning it off.

Hey I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry I just don't have the imagination to write right now so it might be awhile till the next one, but I hope you're enjoying this and follow and blow up my TikTok so people can read this please!!! Also if you have any ideas that you want me to incorporate into the story it might help me get ideas, and I really want to add in some drama, because what's fun without any drama. Anyways hope you like the story so far!!!

Endless Nights // Jude Bellinghamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें