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Should I?

When I wake up the TV is still on so I turn it off and quietly walk up the stairs to my room to get ready. I think about what Bella said yesterday and wonder if I should do it or not. He's definitely got better things to do and other people who are better than me that he could spend his time with. I think about whether I should do it or not the whole time that I'm getting ready and as I'm putting on some makeup Bella knocks on my door before coming in and sitting on my bed.
"Bells. I don't know. He has better things that he can do with his time than hangout with me. And why would he want to in the first place. I know for a fact he's not talking to his friends about me like I am to you guys." I whine.
"El. I don't know one guy that wouldn't want to spend time with you. When someone's around you, you make sure they feel included or have a good time. If he says no then I don't know who he thinks he is rejecting you, but you won't be the one whose regretting the decision it'll be him." Bella grabs my shoulders.
"I don't know." I still wonder.
"Just do it. What's the worst that can happen? He says no?" She asks.
"Yeah." I state.
"JUST DO IT!" She directs.
"Ughhh. Fine." I give in.


Hey I don't know if you remember me but we met at the club. Twice. Anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a party at my place tonight. It's totally fine if you can't and I would understand. But please text my back. Thanks!


"Okay! I sent it" I throw my phone across the room onto my bed not wanting to look at it.
"I need to be distracted today. I can't be looking at my phone." I say grabbing my purse and phone, giving my phone to Bella to keep it away from me.
"Let's go shopping." I open the door and go downstairs to grab my keys then go out the door and wait for Bella to grab her shoes and join me. As we're driving there Bella is just having small talk with me trying to keep me from thinking about the text. I pull into the grocery store and park in the closet spot to the store and get out then walk into the store. "What do we need?" I question looking at Bella. "Drinks, Chips, Veggie Trays, Popcorn, Cups, Fruit, Candy, and a ping pong ball." Bella looks at her phone.
"Okay that's a lot so let's first go get the most import thing."
"Drinks." We say in unison. We head in the direction of the drinks, grabbing the ones we recognize and two that we've never tried before.
"I hate vodka but I might need it." I grab the vodka and put it in our cart.
"People will think we're alcoholic." Bella looks around the store at the people looking at us. "Well, we kinda are." I state seeming as we've been to two clubs and now having a party all in the span of a week and a half.
"Well let's go get the chips now." We get everything else and go to the check out, bag everything up, put it in our cart and bring it out to our car. I begin driving home when my music pauses because I got a notification. Bella and I both look at each other with a scared look on our face, not wanting to look down but Bella grabs my phone, unlocks it and sees what the notification was.
"It's from Jude." She says calmly.
"Read it. Wait don't. Wait nevermind. No. Read it. Actually don't." I sigh not know what to do, but Bella doesn't listen and just reads it to me.


Hey I don't know if you remember me but we met at the club. Twice. Anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a party at my place tonight. It's totally fine if you can't and I would understand. But please text my back. Thanks!

What time?


"What time is the party at?" I ask Bella. "
I have no idea, let me ask Natalie or Iz." She replies quickly grabbing out her phone and calling them. I zone out of the conversation between her and Lizzie, because I'm too nervous and need to focus on something else. "The parties at 10:30. I just texted him that." She turns to me.
"Okay. Okay." I calm myself down.
"Oh. He answered. Someone a little desperate." She smiles at her comment.


Hey I don't know if you remember me but we met at the club. Twice. Anyways I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a party at my place tonight. It's totally fine if you can't and I would understand. But please text my back. Thanks!

What time?


Yeah, I can make it. Thanks for the invite!


"He can come!" Bella screams. We arrive home so I immediately run inside the house telling Nat and Iz what I just did.
"No fucking way. He's coming!" Nat says shocked.
"I know! That's what I said." I smile.
"I'm so happy!!!" Izzie hugs me.
"Nothings gonna happen though. He would do that for anyone so they wouldn't get embarrassed." I state.
"Sure. Make Bella carry in all the groceries." Bella huffs having carried 5 bags of groceries from the car to the apartment.
"Oh! I'm sorry." I rush over to help her and put the groceries on the table.
"Well it's 7 so we have 3 hours to get the house ready and ourselves ready." Nat claps.
"Let's get to work." For the next hour all four of us are getting the house ready for the party and texting the boys to come help us. They arrive shortly after the text is sent already dressed and ready to help while us girls get ready. I decided to wear a blue silk dress that fit me perfectly with my hair down. I put on some silver heels and checked the time.
I got a text from Jude asking if he needed to bring anything which I responded with no and then I went downstairs to put some final touches on the house to make it look perfect. People start arriving right on time, but no sight of Jude anywhere. It's currently 10:54 and Jude still isn't here and there are around 60 people here. Just as I'm think that the doorbell rings which I run to the door to answer it first, containing myself before I open the door to a tall man standing in front of me. He's wearing black dress pants and a white dress shirt, and in his hand is alcohol.
"I know you said I didn't need to bring anything but I felt bad showing up empty handed. Oh and I brought one of my friends" He looks down at the drink and at his friend "It's okay. The more the merrier." I open the door wider so they can step in. I honestly don't care that he brought a friend, I'm just glad that he's here and he actually showed up.

Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now