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The game is at 1-1 and it's 65 minutes into the game. They're playing against Portugal and they're doing pretty good. Both goals were Pks, one by Harry Kane, the other by Ronaldo. Jude started the game and has been a really big part of the game so far. Currently England has a goal kick and Pickford plays it long to Phil Foden who carries it down the line all the way to the corner flag and crosses it in to the pk spot where Jude was waiting and volleys it in just past the keeper. Everyone erupts with cheers and Jude runs to the corner flag and does his celebration with everyone cheering for him and the England team.
"He's amazing." Harry awks.
The game ends with a 3-1 win with Phil Foden scoring from outside the 18. Everyone is exiting the stadium and as I'm about to leave I hear someone shout to me.
"Ellie. Come down here." I look to see Jude standing at the railing holding his hands out.
"How am I supposed to get down?" I ask.
"I've got you. Just climb over the railing." He says. I follow what he says and carefully put on leg over the railing at a time then slowly let myself down and Jude grabs onto my waist and brings me down.
"See that wasn't so hard." Jude states. I smile at him and then look at the field. It looks so big from down on the field.
"You did amazing today." I smile.
"Thank you. I think you helped too." He admits.
"Maybe just a little bit." I joke.
"I'm so proud of you." I whisper as I pull him into a hug.
"That means a lot to me Ellie." He says. We stay hugging for a few more seconds before I pull back and smile. I begin walking away to let him get changed and celebrate with his teammates.
"Wait Ellie." Jude shouts.
"We need to go on an official date." He states.
"I don't know. I'll have to check my schedule. I'm pretty busy." I say sarcastically.
"Shut up." Jude says before lightly grabbing my cheek and pulling me in. Somehow every time we kiss it gets better each time, and I've also realized that it's become a regular thing for us which is kind of odd. There's a lot of passion in it, but it's also very gentle. Our lips move in sync and I completely forget where we are for a second and that my friends are still waiting for me in the stands.
"I've got to go back to my friends and my Uber." I sigh not wanting to leave.
"I could just drive you back home. I have my car here. Plus I want to celebrate with you." Jude offers.
"I want you to enjoy your fun with your teammates, I don't want to be a burden." I object.
"Please Ellie. I want you to come." He insists.
"Okay you don't have to beg." I roll my eyes joking.
"I'm just going to make sure everyone makes it to their Uber safely." I add.
"Okay, but don't take too long." Jude jokes. I give him a quick kiss before going out of the stadium to check on Natalie, Bella, and Liz.

"I'm gonna go with Jude and he can just take me home." I inform them once I finally find them.
"OooOoo" Bella jokes.
"Okay bye guys." I laugh.
"Don't have too much fun." Natalie yells as I'm walking away. I quickly walk back to the bottom of the stadium and look for the locker room. I eventually find the locker room and right across from it is the trophy room, so while I wait for Jude I look at all the trophies they have. They have ones dating all the way back to the 1970s.
"Knock knock." I turn to be met with Jude.
"Whatcha doing in here?" He questions.
"Just looking at the trophies, it's quiet impressive." I admit.
"Thanks. Most of them are from when I was on the team obviously." He boasts sarcastically.
"Oh I'm sure of that." I roll my eyes.
"Let's get out of here. Everyone's waiting for us." He grabs my hand and leads me out of the room. When we arrive to the front of the stadium we both realize we're still holding hands and quickly let go. Everyone decides to do a separate dinner then meet after to go clubbing.
"We could get a bite with a couple of my mates, or we could just go separate." Jude offers.
"I don't care either is fine. I want you to celebrate with your friends" I smile. He smiles back at me as we begin to walk back to his car.
"I want to celebrate with you." He speaks up once we reach his car. I try to hide my smile but fail miserably which causes him to laugh.
"Just let me in the car." I say annoyed by the way he made me feel with that comment. He laughs again and unlocks the door. We drive to his house so he can shower and get ready, then after we're gonna go to my house so I can do the same.
"You can just sit on my bed." Jude mentions as he opens the door to his room.
"I'll just be in here." He adds walking into his bathroom and shutting the door. While he's in the bathroom I get to have a little time to look at my surrounds. He has a very comfortable bed, and a pretty big room. By the sides of his bed are small tables and in front of the bed is a tall dresser that has a good size TV on the top of it. He has a couch chair in the corner of his room by his window and along side that there was a plant. I go sit on his bed and just scroll through my social media.

Soon enough he gets out of the bathroom and joins me on the bed.
"Do you want to pick out my outfit?" He shifts his body so he's completely facing me.
"Yes!" I jump up in excitement. I walk over to his dresser where he shows me which drawers hold certain things.
"Okay go sit back down. You can't see the outfit until I'm done." I instruct. He groans but does what I say and goes back to the bed. I first go into the shirt drawer and pick out a loose button up and some black baggy jeans, then add a silver necklace and just a jacket I found in case he gets cold.
"Okay I'm done. You can go change now." I say handing him the clothes. He then goes and put the clothes on the bed then begins taking off his shirt.
"Jude I meant change in the bathroom." I shout quickly turning around.
"It's fine I don't mind." He smirks. I roll my eyes and continue staring at the wall until he says it's fine to turn around.
"Ta da." He cheers.
"Wow. I should be your stylist." I say proud of my work.
"Eh. I don't know about that." He states.
"Whatever. I need to change too." I roll my eyes walking out the door. He chases after to catch up to me and we drive to my house and I let him pick out my outfit because it seemed only fair. He picked out a white corset top and some black jeans to match with him and then we were off to dinner.

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Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now