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Shortly after the dinner makes it's way out to us, and it looks delicious.
"So, did everyone have fun on the boat?" Jess asks.
"I had an amazing time. I would love to do it again some time." I smile.
"Oh my gosh. Yes of course. I'm in town in about 2 months and we could meet up again then." She offers.
"That'd be perfect." I smile.

Soon enough we finish our food, and we all decide to go clubbing, because we don't have anything to do later that night. Me, Natalie, Jude, and Toby all drive in the same car, because it's more efficient and I somewhat know my way around town.
"Jess texted me the address, so can you just put it into the navigation." I signal to Jude whose in the passenger seat.
"Yes ma'am." He jokes.
"How far are we? We should've pregamed before this." Natalie whines.
"We're about 10 minutes away, and how we're we supposed to know we were going to a club?" I ask.
"Very true." She whispers.

I pull up to the club and hop out, giving my keys to the valet, and looking for Jess in line.
"There they are." I point in the direction of Jess.
"This is nice. How'd you find this place?" Natalie asks Jessica.
"When you get a yacht you become friends with rich people, so they show you the best of the best places. And this place isn't even that expensive." She adds on.
"I like the sound of that." I laugh.
The club is a reddish-brown brick building that has black windows, and purple and blue lights shining through the windows and on the doors. When standing next to the building you can hear the music and kind of smell the alcohol.
"ID." The bouncer puts out his hand. I hand him my ID and then walk through the club and look for an empty booth. Once we're all in the club we begin examining the club.
"Okay. I don't know about you guys but I need some shots." Jessica shouts. We all agree so the girls head over to the bar to get the drinks. As we're waiting for our drinks we're just catching eachother up on our lives.
"So...Ells what about you? I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Jess smiles.
"He's not my boyfriend. But we get along pretty well." I blush.
"He may not be your boyfriend now, but he will be eventually." She says.
"He doesn't even really like me like that." I argue.
"Some would say otherwise." She turns my head to our table. I'm met with his eyes looking at me and when he realizes I've caught him he smiles. I smile back and then shyly turn away.
"Here you are ladies." The bartender gives us our shots on a metal circular tray.
"I'll get some limes, you guys go back to the table." Jessica instructs. We walk back to the table and just begin listening in on the conversation the boys are having.
"Hey." Jude whispers in my ear.
"Hi." I smile at him.
"Are you drinking tonight?" He asks me.
"Yeah I think so. I'll just order an Uber home." I reply.
"Yeah, or I could take you home." He offers. I know he really only offering because he doesn't want me to get hurt or something but I don't want to ruin his night.
"No it's okay. I want to let you have your fun too." I respond.
"Are you sure? It's not problem." He asks double checking.
"I'm sure. Just have fun tonight." I smile.
"Drinks are here!" Jessica shouts. Everyone cheers and we all take a glass and a lime.
"Don't worry guys, all of this is on me." Jessica states. To that we cheers and quickly drink our shot, then immediately put the lime in our mouth.
"Wohoo! Let's dance." Nat exclaims. We all get up and follow her to the dance floor and begin dancing to the shitty music that's playing. All of our bodies are packed together in this small space and I can smell the amazing cologne Jude is wearing.
"You smell amazing." I comment.
"You look amazing." He replies. I smile to myself and turn away so he doesn't see that and begin dancing with Natalie.
"I think I'm gonna go take a break." I say into Natalie's ear after awhile. She nods and I exit the dance floor and make a quick stop at the restroom to go pee. As I'm in the restroom I can hear two girls talking about something, so me being the person I am I eavesdrop on their conversation.
"There's a man here that is FIT." One girl says.
"He looks oddly familiar." The other one says.
"Omg. You're right. I just can't figure out who." The first one states. I quickly flush the toilet the go to wash my hands. The first girl is blonde, while the other is brunette. They are both gorgeous with long legs. I wish I had long legs. As I'm washing my hands I hear them speak up again.
"Oh my god. It's Jude Bellingham, the football player. The blonde screams.
"No way. You have to make a move." The brunette pushes.
"I mean I did catch him looking a couple of times." The blonde smiles. With hearing that I exit the bathroom smiling. I'll let them have their fun and get humbled. I walk back to the booth where I find Jude looking at the dance floor.
"Oh yeah. Heads up, there are two girls that will approach you and flirt with you." I tell him.
"What are you talking about?" He asks confused.
"These two girls who were in the bathroom. They were saying how you were looking at them so their gonna come and talk to you." I smile. Jude just sits there quietly with his mouth open in disbelief.
"Oh. Here they come. Better disappear." I laugh leaving him by himself.
"No wai-." I hear him say before he cut off by the girls introducing themselves. A little while goes by so I decide to go back to the booth to see how it went.
"So. How'd it go?" I ask.
"You're an ass. You know that right." He laughs.
"Okay. Whatever you say." I turn to him. He looks me in the eyes, then down at my lips, then back up to my eyes.
"If you want, you can just come stay at my house." I break the silence.
"I have Toby with me." He states.
"He can room with Natalie. I'm sure she won't mind." I joke.
"I don't want to be any trouble." He says.
"Please Jude. I want you to come." I state.
"Well if you put it that way, I guess I can't say no can I." He laughs. This time it's me doing the triangle trick. I don't know if it's the alcohol that definitely hasn't hit me yet, or just him but he looks amazing right now and I can't take my eyes off him.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He jokes.
"Shut up." I roll my eyes.
"Have I told you you look really fucking good tonight?" He asks.
"You may have once or twice." I state. He then begins leaning in, I follow his actions. His eyes are going from my eyes to my lips then back up. I think I can get a pretty good idea of what he's about to do so I just speed up the process. I connect our lips together for the second time today. At first it's starts as very light, but then it becomes a bit more heated. My hands find their way to his hair, as his find my neck. I've become to realize that anytime he is near me I get this feeling in my stomach and my face gets all hot. I pull away for a second just to look at him and smile, then quickly he reconnects our lips, but this time the kiss has much more passion. I can feel every emotion right now and I very much like it. His lips are so soft, as he is guiding me with his actions. His tongue finds its way into my mouth, and I again follow his actions. His hands have moved from my neck to my hips, and mine to his cheek. I can smell his amazing cologne once again and I melt into his touch. I begin moving down to his neck, leaving slow and gentle kisses on the way. I stop at his collarbone, once again leaving gentle kisses along it. I finally go back up to his lips, connect them momentarily, before pulling back.
"I need a shot." I state. He nods and we grab a shot from the table, quickly taking it and joining the dance floor once again. It's not long before Nat asks me to go to the booth with her, to which I say yes.
"Okay. I need a shot. I keep seeing Toby and I really need to be a bit buzzed to get my confidence up." She says.
"You definitely do not need a shot, look at yourself. You're gorgeous. But I understand why you would want one so I'll take one with you." I smile.
"I love you so much." She smiles.
"I love you too Nat." I reply. I've taken 2 shots in the span of 10 minutes and I'm starting to feel the alcohol now, but I don't make stupid decision when I'm drunk so I'm not that worried.
"Where have you been all night. I've barely seen you." Natalie shouts.
"I was just sitting here with Jude." I reply.
"Just sitting you say." She smirks.
"Yep. Just sitting." I repeat.
"Cut the shit, I say you guys making out over here." She laughs.
"Okay. Maybe we did a little more than just sitting here." I admit.
"Uh huh. Come on let's go dance." Nat grabs my arm and pulls me to the dance floor.
"Go make a move on Toby. We're almost leaving." I instruct.
"Okay. Fine." She groans.
"Oh by the way. Jude and Toby are gonna spend the night at our house, and I said Toby could sleep in your room." I smile pushing her towards Toby. She has no time to react because Toby immediately begins a conversation with her.
"Do you want to go sit back down." I hear in my ear. I turn to see Jude towering over me, smiling at me. I nod and follow him back to the booth.
"How much have you had to drink?" He asks me.
"Only 3 shots." I respond proudly.
"Want another. I want the alcohol to hit me." He states.
"I won't turn down a free shot." I laugh. We grab the shots and I tell him to hook his arm around mine because it's the best way to take shots.
"1...2...3" I count down, immediately feeling the burn go down my throat.
"That never gets better." Jude coughs. I nod and then look over at the dance floor to see Toby and Nat making out. I tap Jude on the shoulder and point to them, to which he responds by applauding them. I can now definitely feel the alcohol hitting me so time to make some dumb decisions.
"Isn't it weird how we met at a club." I turn leaning on Jude. When I'm drunk the one thing I hate is that I get really touchy.
"You don't even remember that do you." Jude wraps his arms around me.
"Nope. Not at all." I state holding onto his arms around me. Everyone makes their way back to the booth as we say that so we scoot over a little bit, but remain in the same position.
"Okay, I'm bored. Let's play truth or dare." Jessica says.
"Okay. That sounds fun." I reply.
"Okay Ells truth or dare." She asks.
"Hmm. I dare you to go up to that man over there and make out with him." She point to a middle aged man on the dance floor. I turn to Jude to see how he reacts because I think he wouldn't want me to do that.
"A dare is a dare." He laughs. I smile after that response and go up to the man and start a short conversation.
"Hey." I smile.
"Hi. How are you?" The man asks.
"I'm good. What's your name." I questions.
"Jordan. And yours?"
"Ellie. I just have to say you're completely my type." I say.
"I could say the same." He smiles. I quickly connect our lips. It doesn't feel the same when I do it with Jude, this feels cold and boring. With Jude it's warm and exciting. I don't get the butterflies in my stomach and my face doesn't feel hot or like it's gonna fall off. He tries to put his tongue inside my mouth, but I pull away quickly.
"See ya later." I wave walking away. I practically run back to the booth and return to laying on Jude's chest.
"I didn't actually think you could do that." Jessica awks.
"What can I say. I just have the charm." I smile.
"It worked on me." I hear Jude mutter under his breath, but I don't say anything because I don't think he meant for me to hear that.
"Okay Toby truth or dare." I turn to Toby.
"Dare." He replies.
"I dare you to make out with the girl of your choosing at this table." I smile.
"Sneaky." Jude whispers in my ear. We all know Toby's going to choose Nat, so when he goes to her it really is no surprise. After their done it's Toby's turn.
"Jude truth or dare." He asks Jude.
"Umm. Dare I guess." He shrugs.
"I dare you to..." He whispers something in Jude's ear so the others can't hear. I turn to see the expression on Jude's face and he's smiling. He then gets up and makes his way past the dance floor and to the DJ booth. He walks up to the DJ booth and grabs the microphone while stopping the music.
"Hi. I would like to make a shoutout to the amazing Ellie Wengley who is sitting in that booth over there." He points to our booth and I begin to hide my face.
"I want to say that she is the most gorgeous and funny girl who is always a joy to be around and makes everyone around her enjoy her company. Her attribute are she has gorgeous hair, eyes, teeth, lips, eyelashes, really anything you can think of, and she always knows how to have a good time. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your time here." He smiles but then quickly returns back to the booth.
"Oh. And she's really good at kissing too. Just thought you all need to know that. Again goodnight." He quickly runs back to the booth. I put my head on the table hiding from the embarrassment that I just received.
"Aww what. You didn't like my shout out." He jokes.
"Shut up." I slap him. Everyone at the table is laughing so hard their crying and I'm just sitting probably as red as a tomato.
"Oh and by the way. I really meant the last thing I said." He whispers just so I can hear. Now I'm not red from embarrassment I'm red from blushing.
"Okay, with that I think we should call it a night, we don't want to get kicked out of the club." Jude says. Everyone agrees and we all say our goodbyes and we order ourselves an Uber. All four of us are riding together because we're going to the same place. I fall asleep for the ride home, but when we arrive I get woken up by Jude tapping my shoulder. I quickly pay the driver and thank him before closing the door and walking slowly to my house.
"I'm really sorry if you were embarrassed back there. I didn't mean for that to happen." Jude apologizes.
"No it's fine. It was funny." I laugh.
"Okay good. I didn't want you getting mad at me." He worries.
"I would never. A dare is a dare." I recite what he said and he laughs . Toby and Nat are walking far in front of us so they already made it inside and probably to their rooms. I open the door to our house but quickly get pulled back by Jude grabbing onto my arm.
"I had a really good time tonight." Jude looks me in my eyes.
"So did I." I smile. He leans down and connects our lips for a quick second before he walks to my house. I smile as I'm taking off my shoes and then I quickly make my way upstairs and to my bed, with Jude following behind me. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and change into my pajamas, then get into my bed and turn off the lights. Jude's already been in bed for a good 10 minutes, so I was surprised when he wasn't already asleep.
"I really like spending time with you." Jude turns so he's facing me.
"I could say the same about you." I smile.
"I'm leaving for Germany soon." He says.
"And I am too." I reply.
He smiles at me, leans in, and kisses me on the forehead before saying goodnight, to which I say the same.

Here's a long chapter for you guys because I haven't been posting as much which I'm sorry for but I hope you guys enjoy reading my book...also aren't they just so cute

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