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Peaceful Mornings
3rd person

The clock read 9am as it beeps with a volume that could wake up the whole neighborhood, an arm reached over to turn off the alarm and start her morning routine. It consisted of laying in bed for the next 45 minutes on her phone watching videos of people who she aspires to be like, people who have their whole lives planned out or are doing things that interest them. For Ellie though, she just was living her best life currently, seeing where life took her. She was 18 years old living in England with her 3 best friends and enjoying every moment she was there. Ellie regretted many things but moving to England at 18 years old wasn't one of them. As soon as she was done watching TikTok or rethinking life, she would finally get herself out of bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. Before she got in the shower, she would spend a good 5 minutes just looking at herself in the mirror wondering how she looks through other people's eyes. Once she got in the shower, she would stand there for a little bit just getting used to the water before she would wash her body and hair. Then she would step out of the shower and see the fogged up mirror from all the heat in the bathroom and walk out of the bathroom and go to her vanity right by her bed. She would do her hair and then proceed to go back to the bathroom and do her skin care before applying a little bit of make up and calling it good and walking downstairs to eat breakfast.

1st person
"Morning sunshine" Bella said with a smile on her face.
"Morning." I reply walking over to the cabinet that held the bowls and grabbing the cereal before pouring it into the bowl. I then go back to the countertop and sit on the stool while listening to the discussion my friends are having.
"I think we should go clubbing or have a party at our place." Liz said before getting interrupted by Natalie "You always know what happens when we have a party at our place. A.It never happens and it's lame or B.Something always ends up getting broken or stolen and it always gets out of hand."
"So clubbing it is?" Bella chimes in. They all turn to me looking for my answer.
"I'm fine with whatever. As long as I don't get too wasted." I say eating the last spoonful of my cereal. We continue talking about our plans for the day before I head back upstairs to get dressed. I think we were talking about going to the shops to get clothes for tonight before I zone out the conversation. I grab my baggy jeans from my dresser and my black crop top from my closet before I go to the back of my door and grab my oversized zip up.

It's a beautiful day outside in the South of London, with many people out and about. I love the feeling of the wind brushing against my hair, while I can feel my face getting cold and turning a light pink colour.
"I think we should go to that store." Natalie says pointing to a store on the corner, because right now we are currently just window shopping looking at all the outfits in the display window. We all agree and cross the street before opening the door to the store and hearing the bell ring letting the workers know that they have another customer. The store has nice wood flooring and the lights sort of give the store a homey but elegant vibe. I start to walk around the store just browsing as I try to look for an outfit for later tonight. I go to the back of the store and find a dress that looks like it could fit the occasion. It's a black dress with strings that tie behind your neck, and long sleeves that are loose.
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I decide to pick up the dress and go back to find my friends before we all go and try on our dresses

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I decide to pick up the dress and go back to find my friends before we all go and try on our dresses. I instantly find Bella looking at a white dress that is tight fitting and strapless that I know would look absolutely perfect on her. "Hey Bells." I say startling her a little
"Oh hi, Ells do you think I should get this dress?" She asks look unsure of whether to get it or not.
"I think you should 100% get it. It would make you look hot and your ass and tits look good." I say walking off to go find the other two. Not long after we all regroup and go try on our dresses before realizing that it's 3pm already and we should probably get food and then go get ready.

We stop at a little cafe that's just up the hill from our apartment complex and discuss the ride situation to the club.
"I think we should Uber, because we all know we won't be in the right state to drive home after." Liz says.
"I agree. But like I said, please don't let me get too wasted it never ends well." I add on laughing at the last time I was drunk.
"Okay so we have the ride, now we need to figure out where we're gonna go and are we going to multiple clubs." Natalie says.
"We should go to one close by first and then maybe one that's a little farther away" Bella shares. We all agree and head home to get ready for the night ahead of us. I'm in the middle of my makeup when I hear a knock at my door.
"Come in." I yell still focused on getting my eyeliner even.
"Hey" I see Natalie in mirror as she walks over to me
"I don't know if I should invite Jeremy or not. We're kinda going through a rough patch right now, and I want to fix it but like also I want to give it time." Natalie says with a worried tone.
"I feel like you should just leave it be for right now, and have a little fun. Nat, this is supposed to let us relax a little not get us more stressed." I reply turning around to face her
"Yeah you're right." She mumbles hugging me "Hey, just don't think about it tonight and worry about it tomorrow" I shout as I walk into the bathroom and hear my door shut. I'm think about putting up my hair but then I decide I kind of like the feeling better with my hair down and it makes me feel more free. Finally I'm ready to go and I look at the clock and it reads 10:43. I rush downstairs and tell everyone it's time to go, because we're trying to get to the club by 10:50 and it's a 10 minute drive. Once we all finally get out the door we realize that our Uber is already here and has just been waiting outside.
"Thank you!" I say climbing into the back seat of the car.
"No problem. By the way you guys look amazing." She reply's making eye contact with me in the mirror and smiling. The drive is short and pretty much silent and when we get there I thank our Uber driver again before closing the car door and walking up to the bouncer to show him our ids.
"Ready guys!" Nat says as the loud music is already hitting our ears making it hard to hear "LETS FUCKING PARTY"

Hello guys!!! So this is the first chapter and I hope you like it. Do you guys have any recommendations and also would you guys it rather be in 1st person or 3rd person. Also sorry if I say a lot of "she says" or "she replies" because I don't really know what to say other than that. Anyways FEEDBACK HELPS MAKE MY STORY BETTER SO PLEASE HELP! Also you will meet Jude in the next chapter!!! One final thing is do you guys like the characters name or would you want me to change it, if so what should I change it to?

Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now