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Have fun

I'm currently showing Jude and his friend around the house, which I learned his name is Toby.
"And that's it." I say ending up back in the living room.
"Nice place." Jude comments still not having set down the drink.
"Oh you can put the drink on the counter." I point to where the other drinks are and he quickly walks back before joining me again. "Who wants to play beer pong but with shots?" Someone shouts in the house.
"Do you want to go for a walk or something? I don't really want to get drunk this early." I turn to him.
"Yeah that sounds good." He answers as we walk to the front door to grab his coat and go outside. He quickly tells his friend that he's gonna be gone for a little bit and not to worry. We begin walking out of my driveway and turn left to walk down the hill.
"You live in a pretty nice neighbourhood." Jude states.
"Yeah. The people here are really nice." I look down at my feet.
"How long have you lived here?" He asks. "About a year now. I moved here when I was 18 with some of my friends. I reply back.
"Wow. Do you miss your parents?" He says. "Umm yeah definitely. But I think it was a good idea for me to come here." I shrug.
"I agree." He turns and we exchange smiles. We continue walking for a while, until I find a park that my friends and I always walk in and try to find the nearest bench.
"We can take a break for a little bit, I see a bench there." I point.
"Okay sounds good." He follows. I sit down on the bench and turn to face the city, taking in the lights from the buildings, the trees in the park, and the stars in the sky.
"The stars are beautiful. I've always been fascinated by them." I say looking up at the sky.
"They really are something." Jude agrees. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" He adds.
"I don't know yet. I love nature and travelling, but I also like working with kids or hanging out with animals. If I could get paid to travel around the world that would be a dream come true." I shared.
"I don't see why not." He laughs.
"I just think it's not very realistic." I reply. "Some dreams aren't meant to be realistic. That's why you work so hard to try to make them come true." Wow smart guy.
"I guess I never thought about it that way, but it also relies on when and if the opportunity presents itself." I reply.
"That's true. But no dream is too big." He turns and smiles. Oh how I love that smile.
"Well, we should probably walk back. Seeming as I'm the one hosting the party." I laugh.
"It's only fair." He stands up and turns to help me up. We begin walking and talk about his journey to playing in the Bundesliga and for the England National team, and about our early life, little things like that.
"If you weren't a footballer, what would you be?" I question.
"Hmm. I guess I've never thought about that. Football has been my whole life for a while so I don't really know what I would do." He answers.
"When I was younger I wanted to be a firefighter though." He laughs.
"Such a shame. Firefighters are hot." I reply. "You should've told me that earlier. Would've changed my career." He states.
"I wanted to be a gymnast when I was younger. I thought I would be so good I begged my mom to sign me up. I eventually quit a week later." I mumble the last part. Jude thinks about it for a second before he begins laughing.
"I don't know what's so funny. I could've been the next Gabby Douglas." I said.
"Eh. I don't know about that one." He questions.
"Umm excuse me. You didn't know me when I was younger." I argue.
"Well seeing you now, you don't have the best hand eye coordination." He comments.
"Yeah sure, whatever." I roll my eyes playfully. We eventually get back to my house and it seems like everyone is still here. I open the door to be blasted with the music and smell but quickly close the door not to release it outside. I'm surprised we haven't gotten a noise complaint yet. Just as I'm going to turn to Jude I feel a hand on my shoulder to see Bella yelling at me.
"Where we're you? I want to take shots with you."
"Sorry I was on a walk. Let me take off my shoes then I'll join you." I yell back. I turn to Jude and ask him if he wants to join us which he agrees to, and we head over to the counter to Bella. Bella has made some friends and introduced us to them. If I'm being honest I have no idea who they are. Apparently their names are Jenna, Tyler, Kyle, and Bethany. They all seem pretty nice and we have some small talk before Bella rushes us to take the shots.
"Okay. Everyone on the count of three. One, Two, Three!" We all take our shots which are filled with who knows what and continue talking in the group.
"Ells, take some more with me. You look sober and I don't like it." Bella pulls me aside bring the bottle with her outside. I don't have a choice so I just follow her out to our back porch before she pours the clear liquid into clear cups.
"What's in this?" I question, not that she'll know.
"Umm. No idea, but it's not poisoned because I've had like 5 shots of it and I'm fine." She replies.
"So. Who were you on the walk with." She raises her eyebrows.
"You know who Bells." I laugh.
"Hmm. Interesting." She smirks.
"What'd you talk about?" She asks.
"We talked about what we want to do when we grow up, and our childhood, just little stuff like that." I reply taking a sip from my cup.
"Is he a good listener?" She wonders.
"Yes, very good. And he knows how to hold a conversation which is a plus." I smile.
"Ugh. Where has this man been all your life." Bella groans before bursting into laughter. One too many shots for her.
"Okay Bells. I think your good on the drinks." I grab the cup from her hand.
"Nooo. Please just one more." Bella begs.
"Fine. Just one." I give in.
"Do it with me though." She says pouring the liquid into her glass as I'm chugging mine.
"I do not like the taste of that." I say feeling the burning throughout my body.
"Here you go. To us!" She screams before raising her cup to mine. We quickly finish the drinks, realizing we should probably get back inside before someone notices we're gone. I look around for Jude but I can't find him anywhere so I just stand with my friends for the moment.
"Have you guys seen Jude?" I ask the group. "Yeah. I think he went to the bathroom." Henry replies.
"Oh okay. Thank you." I say making my way to the couch to relax for a little bit. I close my eyes for a second before I hear
"Someones a bit tired aren't they?" I look up to see Jude smirking at my holding out his hand. I grab his hand and gain stability then following him back to my friends.
"I'm a bit tired guys so I'm just gonna head up to my room." I tell the group.
"Do you want to come?" I turn to Jude.
"Sure." He smiles. We walk up the stairs and turn right to my room. I walk in and tell him he can sit on the bed while I go to my closet to find my pajamas. I grab my pajamas and walk into the bathroom to change and do my skin care routine. One I walk out I join Jude on the bed,
getting under the covers and turning to face him.
"I had a lot of fun tonight." He looks me in the eyes.
"I did too." I smile.
"You have lovely friends and a lovely house." He compliments.
"Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't get to really introduce myself to your friend Toby, I hope he didn't feel uncomfortable." I reply.
"I don't think so. I saw him getting cozy with your friend Natalie before we came up here." He laughs. I immediately sit straight up.
"No way!" I shout. "Shhh. Keep it down." He puts his hand over my mouth.
"Sorry. I'm just really surprised. I'm happy for her." I smile.
"Me too. I think Toby just needs to let go a little." Jude states.
"Sorry I'm so tired. I took a nap before this so I have no idea why." I apologize.
"No reason to be sorry. I'm just glad I got to spend time with you." He said.
"Thank you. I again really enjoyed tonight." I smile thinking back at the events that occurred. I lightly close my eyes and feel him kiss me on the forehead before leaving my room quietly. Tonight was a good night and I hope that we'll hangout again soon, because I really do always have a good time.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I had already written this chapter but i didn't like it so I deleted it and just started over. What do you guys think so far?
Please comment so I can make the story better for all of us!!!

Endless Nights // Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now