Chapter 39

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 As soon as i told Steve what was going to happen. What the plan was, he had stormed out... But not before yelling at me that the plan was ridiculous and not happening... I had sighed and took the baby monitor and walked after him knowing exactly where he was going... "Hey... Why did i just see Steve storm passed me..." Nat asks as i pass her and i sigh... "Told him the plan..." I say as i just keep walking... "Does he know it was your plan?" Nat asks as she follows me and i sigh... "Didn't get to that yet before he started saying it was not happening..." I mumble... 

We walk into the lab where Steve is yelling at my dad... Dad just looks at him with a bored look on his face, his arms crossed in front of his chest... I shake my head as he knows that is not helping and only riling Steve up more...

"It is not happening...! I can't believe you... It is a ridiculous and dangerous plan... I can't believe you will put your daughter in danger like that...." He yells at my dad... "Rogers... You might want to..." Nat tries to cut in but he looks at her... "You... You... How have you missed this... Are you covering for someone?" He asks stepping closer to Nat...

"Okay! That is enough..." I say a little louder then intended and Steve looks at me breathing heavy, jaw tense and i swear at any moment there will be steam coming from his ears... "Stevie... You are yelling at the wrong people... It was not their plan... It is mine..." I say and he looks at me stunned for a second... "It is not happening... I won't allow it..." He says and i smile... I love him... I really do but if he thinks for one second that he is going to stop me he is delusional... This is the only way, and we have to do it... For Sarah... For her to be safe and have a future without having to look over her shoulder... 

I roll my eyes... Yes, it is a dangerous plan... But it is my plan... I came up with it and no matter what Steve says it is how we are going to handle it... He is going to stay with Sarah... In order for this plan to work i need to know she is safe... And the only way i know that is if she is with someone who i trust 100%

"You won't allow it?" I say looking at him squinting my eyes and crossing my arms in front of me...... He quickly calms down a bit as he knows i dont like to be told what to do... Well not in this sort of cases... "We are not in our bedroom sweetheart... You dont get to tell me what i can and cannot do..." I say looking at him intensely...

"Okaaay pumpkin that is way more information than i was ready for..." Dad says and i smirk as Steve and i still look at each other as we are in some sort of standoff... "Dad can you give us a minute... Maybe you can check up on Sarah..." I say never breaking eye contact with Steve... 

"Dont mind if i do..." He says all giddy... If there is one thing sure it is that he loves Sarah and loves spending time with her... "I will go get everything ready..." Nat mumbled and she left to... 

"Princess..." Steve started as soon as they had left but i hold up my hand shutting him up... He did but i could see he was not happy about being silenced... The tension was palpable, and he took a step closer... "I am going to do this Steve... You can't stop me... I have to do this... For Sarah..." I say and he looks at me getting angry again... "The hell i can... You are not going...!" He yells... I step closer to him not backing down... 

"You are not the boss of me..." I hiss stepping in front of him... "No... I am your husband..." He growls and i scoff... "Still doesn't make you my boss... Yes, you are my husband... But that doesn't give you the right to forbid me things." I growl poking his chest. "Careful princess..." He growls and i scoff again... "Or what?" I say defiantly. Steve lets out a low guttural growl, his eyes going dark, but he doesn't say anything... 

"I am going Steve... You either get on board or not... But it is happening... I am going to find this son of a bitch and end him... So, he can never get to Sarah..." I say in a tone that gives no room for debate... I start to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me against him... "I can't lose you..." He says and i can see the pain in his eyes and i sigh... "You will not lose me..." I say and he nods... "No i wont... Because i am coming with you..." He says and i shake my head and look up at him... I put my hand on his face... He closes his eyes for a second and leans into my touch...

"You know you can't... You can't move around unnoticed... This needs to be under the radar..." I say and he groans... "Besides... I need you here... With Sarah... In order for me to go and be focused on the mission at hand i need to know that Sarah is with someone i 100% trust... I need to know she is safe with her daddy... That god forbid something does happen to me... She will still have her daddy... I love you Steve... I love you so much, but you need to let me do this...  I will not be alone... Nat will come with..." I say and he groans... 

"I dont like this..." He mumbles and i sigh and hug him tightly putting my head on his chest and breathe in his scent... "I know..." I mumble and hold him tighter... "Just please tell me you are in my corner... I need to know that you are in my corner... I can't go in being worried about what i am coming back to..." I whisper and he kisses the top of my head... "I am in your corner... Scared... Not happy about this... But i am in your corner and i will be here with Sarah waiting for you to come back..." He sighs and i look up... He kisses me with a passion and i moan into the kiss... 

"You better come back princess... We need you..." He groans into the kiss and i smile... "I will do everything in my power to come back to you and Sarah..." I whisper. "You better... Because you will be in so much trouble if you dont..." He mumbles and i smile...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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