Chapter 13

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"Better?" Steve asks after i had finished my breakfast and i grin at him... I am still sitting on the counter. The others had left after i blew up at them... Or mostly at Nat... I pull on his shirt positioning him between my legs and kiss him... "Let that be a lesson for you my dear husband... Keep me fed and we will get along great... That and fuck my brains out... I am not that complicated..." I whisper with a grin on my face and he laughs... 

"Noted..." He says when he is done laughing and i chuckle and kiss him again... We hear someone clear their throat and we break apart we look to see my dad standing there... "The press conference is in 2 hours... Make sure you are packed to leave..." He says in a cold tone... "Already have... Had packed my bags days ago..." I say and he looks as if he is to explode but he says nothing and just turns around and walks off... Steve sighs and i look at him... "What?" I ask and he shakes his head... 

"Steve?!" I say pulling him back as he wants to walk off... "Steve?" I say cupping his face with both hands... "You know he is going to kill me after this mission right..." He mumbles and i chuckle... "Dont worry... I won't let him..." I whisper and kiss him and i smile into the kiss as he wraps his arms around me... "Do you still have to pack?" I ask after we break the kiss, and he shakes his head... "No... Already done..." He says... "Good..." I murmur and kiss him again passionately locking him between my legs not planning on letting him go...

2 hours later Steve and i are standing to the side on the stage listening to my dad spin some story about consequences... It makes me angry... It makes me so angry... He is making it out to be that we are letting the world down that we are being selfish for choosing to leave the Avengers...

"Oh, cut the crap..." I yell and step forward... Steve looks at me with wide eyes as i walk to the stage pushing my dad aside... "The only reason they are doing this because my dad doesn't approve of my choice of husband... He is only doing this because for once i choose my own path and dont adhere to his ridiculous rules anymore... Still stuck in the past... He hates that i have a mind of my own... He is just a petty old man who doesn't get his own way..." I say taking a deep breath as flashes go off and reporters are taking notes...

"If it really was about his precious rules... Then standing on stage next to us would be Dr. Banner and Ms. Romanoff... Vision and Ms. Maximoff... Who are all dating and let's not forget Mr. Stark's relationship with his former assistant Ms. Potts... Who he gave control of the company... But no... Steve and are not being able to be professional... So please let's cut the crap Mr. Stark... This is your futile attempt for me to leave my husband... Your plan to have us give up on each other... But i love my husband... And if i have to choose between him and the Avengers it is him every time... But again... Let's cut the crap... We were never the ones that wanted to choose... You made us choose you are just pissed that i didn't choose you..." I say and step away from the mic and walked back to Steve who smiled and kissed me making cameras flash even more... "Sorry..." I mumble and Steve grins and shakes his head and i start to smirk back at him... "He can't kill you now... He would be suspect number 1..." I whisper and Steve laughs... Hard... Making the reporters go even more crazy...

"Let's get out of here..." He says and i nod and smile and Steve takes my hand leading me to the door on the side as cameras keep flashing and reporters are now yelling... I smirk as we walk past my father who is stunned...  As soon as the door closes behind us, we are met by Fury who just shakes his head... "Dont start... The message was the same... It was only not as flattering for Tony and Shield as you guys would have liked..." Steve says and Fury sighs... "Just get me our man..." He says and walks off... 

After Steve said goodbye to people, he meets me at the car... I didn't feel like saying goodbye... "Are you okay...?" I ask and he nods... "Hey..." I say pulling him closer... "You know you dont have to quit for me after this right..." I say and he chuckles and kisses me... "We will see... For now let them think i will and when this is all said and done, we can decide what to do..." He says and i nod smiling... 

We drive to the house and as we pull up i smile as it is a nice house in a nice neighborhood... It must pay well to be an arms dealer... We know he is out of town right now so we could go and set up surveillance without him getting suspicious... I am about to walk in when Steve pulls me back and i giggle as he lifts me up and carries me over the threshold... I kiss him before he puts me down... "You go explorer and i will get our stuff from the car..." Steve says patting my ass before walking out and i smile... I walk around and although the interior is not what i would have picked out myself it is nice... I walk upstairs and open the double doors to the master suite... I walk to the bed and drop myself onto it and chuckle when u can feel Steve crawling over me...

"Time to christen the marital bed..." He growls and i giggle pulling him in for a kiss.

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