Chapter 5

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"What the fuck are you doing here!!" I spit at him again as he doesn't answer but just stalks over to me still in his workout clothes and sweaty... But i can't move i am frozen on the spot as i just can't believe he just walked in here... My safe haven... He invaded my safe haven my little peaceful spot of the compound... "Get out..." I mumble as he steps in front of me... He ignores me and takes the hand that is bruised, and he looks like he is the one in pain...

"You should really have that checked out princess..." He whispers his tone dark yet soft and i slap his face with my good hand... "Fucking stop that..." He growls closing his eyes and i slap him again because he is not going to tell me what to do in my room... He cheek goes pink but i can't figure out if it is from me slapping him or because he seems to enjoy it... "If you dont like it leave!" I growl back at him as he opens his eyes and i could swear there is fire in them... I am about to slap his face again when he catches my wrist, and he pushes me back against the wall caging me in... "You are driving me crazy woman..." He growls hovering his lips over mine... "I dont care..." I say looking him in the eyes who have gone completely black... 

"Yes, you do..." He says with a smirk on his face running his finger down my jaw line... "I dont care about you Rogers... You might think because i let you fuck me once that i do... But i dont..." I hiss at him, and he smirks... He doesn't seem convinced... Hell at this point not even i am convinced... I dont want to but my pussy starts to throb and i press my legs together for some sort of friction... "Let me check that..." He whispers and i gasp as he dips his free hand in my short... "No underwear i approve..." He growls and the smirk on his face gets even bigger as he runs his fingers through my folds... "Maybe you dont care princess... But your pussy certainly does..." He says and i moan as he pulls his hand back and brings his fingers to his mouth licking them clean looking at me with a smirk on his face...

He was about to kiss me again when there was a knock on the door and we both froze... "Pumpkin?" We heard and i looked at Steve as he looked at me... I pointed at the closet, and he seemed to understand and let me go disappearing out of sight...

I opened my door and my dad appeared smiling... He stepped inside looking around... "What took you so long?" He asked and i rolled my eyes... "I just came out of the shower..." I said feeling terrible that i was lying to him... His eyes fell on my hand, and he took it and i winced...  "I will be fine..." I mumble and he sighed... "Yeah i heard of your little sparing session with Rogers..." He said letting out a sigh and i rolled my eyes again... "Of course, you have..." I mumble and he sighs... 

"Pumpkin i love you... You are tough and i see what you can do, you are to be feared by the common man... But that man is like a brick wall... He is a super soldier, and you are human..." He says and i roll my eyes... 

"He is an idiot for thinking you got through the program and got your place here because of me... Especially because i was against it at first... But you proof to me over and over again that you belong here... We all think that... So, stop letting Rogers get into your head... You are better than that... You have nothing to proof anymore... I hate to see you get hurt because of him..." He says and i sigh and nod... 

"Now get dressed and meet me at Bruce's so we can have that hand checked out..." He says and i want to protest but dad holds up his hand... "It was not a suggestion..." He says and i sigh and nod again and he kisses my cheek and walks out... 

Steve appears and he wants to pull me into him but i step back... "I am going to get dressed and leave to meet my father and when i get back you won't be here... You will never step foot back in my room unless invited in... You are going to leave me alone... We are going to forget what happened and only speak to me when it comes to work..." I say keeping my distance and he sighs... 

"Kiara i..." He says taking a step closer... I shake my head and walk past him into my closet putting on some underwear and sweats... Steve is still standing on the spot i left him and he looks at me with pain in his eyes... I walk to the door and open it... 

"Kiara..." He says and i stop and turn to him closing the door again... "What?" I say letting out a sigh and he steps closer... "I... I... I..." He starts to say and i groan... "I... I... I..." I say mocking him and he groans... We stand there as if we are in a standoff... He is breathing heavy and seems in turmoil... I want to turn around done with all this when he speaks...

"I love you okay..." He says putting his hands on his hips letting out a sigh not even looking at me and blushing looking so uncomfortable... I walk over to him and poke his chest feeling the anger rise inside of me... "Look at me you coward..." I hiss and he does... "If they way you have treated me, is you loving me.... I dont want it... You really are a coward..." I hiss and he looks back at me and i think i can see tears starting to form but i dont care... How dare he tell me he loves me while he has done nothing but treat me like crap... He made me doubt myself so many times... I went head-to-head with my father over Bucky took his side and still he treated me like crap... Okay i did that because i believed my father was wrong... But still i didn't even get a thank you... Not even a sliver of gratitude... Maybe i would be happy to hear this a while ago... But right now, all i was feeling is anger... The audacity of this man to tell me he loves me is staggering... 

"Letting you fuck me was a mistake... You are a mistake... When i get back you are gone and if it has nothing to do with a mission you dont talk to me... Hell you won't even look at me... We will be civil if we need to be but that is it... God i respected you more when i thought you just fucked me to get off..." I hiss and walk out slamming the door behind me... I take a deep breath to calm myself and make my way to Bruce's so he can check my hand out... And maybe my ribs because they are starting to hurt more and more...

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