Chapter 24

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I open my eyes slowly to get used to the light...For a moment i feel a little disoriented... When i can finally focus i look around and see i am in a hospital room...The last thing i can remember is Steve holding me and saying goodbye thinking i would never see him again... After that everything went black... My body hurts... I want to lift my hand but i can't and when i look at it, i smile as to why... Steve is asleep clutching my hand... I wonder how long i have been here... It must not be long as he is still in the clothes, he was wearing on the mission... I look around if there is some water i can reach without waking him up but no luck...

"Stevie..." I whisper running my free hand through his hair even though i can barely lift it... My voice sounds raspy as i barely get the word out... His head shoots up and i smile as he looks at me and he kisses my hand immediately... I smile at him as i am so happy to see him, but he looks tired and i realize i must have been out longer then i expected. 

"Stevie..." I rasp again and he stands up and presses a kiss on my forehead before his lips find mine... With the little bit of energy i have i lift my hand and put it on his cheek wiping away the tears that were running down his cheeks... "Dont cry Stevie... I am okay..." I whisper not knowing if it was true but i felt the urge to reassure him...  I start to cough due to my dry throat... "Can i have some water please..." I whisper and he nods, and he helps me drink some water holding the straw for me as he with his free hand pushes a button... 

"How long have i been out..." I ask and he sighs... "2 days..." He murmurs and i look at him in shock... "You have been here the whole time...?" I whisper shocked and he nods... "There was no way i was going to leave you again princess..." He whispers and he starts to tear up again... It breaks my heart to see him like this... I was about to say it was okay when the door opens... Steve wipes his tears away and i look at him worried as he tries his best to pull himself together... The doctor walk up to the bed smiling... "Mrs. Rogers... Good to see you are awake..." He says and i nod... "Good to be awake..." I say smiling at the fact he called me Mrs. Rogers... 

He does some tests and i cringe as i see the scar... "Doctor... Can i still have kids..." I whisper and he smiles and tells me everything looks good that there was no major damage... That yes i still can have kids... "But please wait a little while until you are fully recuperated..." He says and i smile and nod. I have to stay a little longer but i was going to be okay... After he leaves i look at Steve... "What is it princess..." He whispers and i sigh... "Are we done now?" I ask and the smile on his face gets bigger... "Yes... I handed Tony and Fury our letters..." He says and i look at him and i break, tears starting to stream down my face... Tears of relief... 

"Princess... Did you change your mind?" He asks and i shake my head... "No absolutely not... Just relieved..." I whisper and Steve takes in a deep breath and i can feel him scoot in next to me kicking of his shoes... I wrapped myself around him ignoring the pain... I felt my body relax in his arms as he rubbed my back letting me cry it all out... "It thought i would never see you again..." I whisper holding on to him a little tighter and he sighs... 

"I am here princess... And i am not going anywhere as long as you promise to not scare me like that again..." He whispers pressing another kiss on my forehead. I smile at hearing him call me princess again... The nickname i once despised is now so comforting... "What happened after i blacked out..." I ask and Steve tells me everything... I just listen and the fact that he let my dad take me to the hospital must have meant i was in a bad way... He asked if i could forgive him for that and i told him of course... He did what he had to do so i could be saved... I would have done the same to save him... What shocked me more was the fact that he watched them operate on me and that they almost lost me twice...

I wished i  could have seen the faces when he gave my dad and Fury our resignation letter... But above all i am happy he didn't give into my dad... I knew i always wanted someone by my side who wouldn't be a push over when it came to my dad... Someone who is strong enough to tell him no... I had no desire to see him... I really didn't... It had surprised me how much at peace i was without him in my life... I could finally be me... Really be me... The pressure of being the perfect daughter was gone... Steve thought i was perfect just being me and that was the most amazing feeling in the world... 

"I need to ask you something..." Steve asks after he is done telling me everything... I take a deep breath... "Okay..." I whisper and he sighs again... "Your dad wants to see you..." He whispers and i sigh... "Does it have to be now?" I ask and he takes a deep breath... "No... But he won't accept it from me when i say you dont want to see him..." He says and i groan... "Of course, not..." I murmur... Fine let's just get it over with... But tomorrow... Not today..." I mumble as i just want to lay in his arms and sleep... 

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