Chapter 10

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We walk into the party my hand in Steve's as he holds it firmly... We walk to the dancefloor as the DJ announces that Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have arrived and will have their first dance... As Steve twirls around i can see dad sitting to the side he is boiling with anger while Pepper sit confused by his side... 

Steve tightly pulled me against him as we swayed over the dancefloor and i looked to the side to see Sam and Bucky giggle amongst each other as two little boys... "Do they know?" I whisper and Steve looks were i am looking and he turns bright red... "Seriously..." I whisper in a low angry tone not really knowing how i feel about that. "Sorry... They guessed..." Steve whispers looking at me worry in his eyes... "You're lucky i am angry at my father otherwise i would have killed you in your sleep..." I murmur laying my head on his chest and i could feel him take in a sharp breath before letting out a little chuckle... 

He kisses the top of my head and i let out a little sigh... "Are you okay? If you want to, we can leave the party..." Steve murmurs... "No... We unfortunately have to stay..." I mumble and Steve hums in response... After the first dance Steve went to get us a drink while i quickly made my way to the DJ telling him that we were skipping the father daughter dance using the excuse that Steve did not have a mother that was alive so i didn't want to do it... The DJ nodded and i let out a sigh of relief and made my way back to Steve who handed me a glass of champagne. 

"Everything okay?" He asked and i nodded looking at him with a smile... "Yes, just canceled the father daughter dance..." I say and Steve looked at me pain flashing through his eyes... "I am sorry you and your dad are fighting over this..." He mumbles and i shake my head... "Please dont... Not here..." I whisper feeling all the emotions coming to the surface. He nods and gives me a sweet peck on my lips... 

"Please tell me i am not dreaming though... Please tell me that you really said you loved me..." Steve whispers his eyes closed his forehead leaning against mine... "I did..." I whisper and i gave him another sweet short kiss... "Say it again..." I whisper and he takes in a sharp breath... "I love you... Kiara Stark..." He whispers and i smile... "I love you to... But it is Kiara Rogers now..." I say and i am about to kiss him again, but he shakes his head smiling and i start to smirk... "You like that Mr. Rogers... You like that i am now Mrs. Rogers..." I whisper and he grins... "I have to admit i dont like the circumstances but yes i think i like the sound of that very much... Kiara Rogers..." He whispers and i smile blushing a little... 

Steve is getting us another drink... I look around the room as all the guests are dancing and my eyes meet dad's... He no longer looks like he is going to explode but more like he is in pain and i have to shake my head to not feel sorry for him... He did this to himself... I see Fury appear and i look away as he walks over to me... He reaches me and i look at him and he smiles... 

"Congratulations Mrs. Rogers... Captain..." He says as i feel Steve step behind me... "Cut the crap Fury..." Steve growls catching me by surprise as we are in public... "Careful captain..." Fury warns and Steve scoffs... "It is okay Steve... He doesn't know it yet... But after this mission he can expect my resignation..." I say and Fury looks at me surprised... "You are going to throw everything you worked for away..." He says and i nod... "You and my dad are dead to me... Shield is no better than a criminal organization for forcing me into this..." I say and Fury shakes his head... He wants to say something but Steve cuts him off...

"You can expect mine to..." Steve says and i snap my head towards him in shock... "I dont like to work for an organization that forces the people working for them into things they are not comfortable with... They dont want... Now if you will excuse me... I am going to dance with my wife... before whisking away for our wedding night..." Steve said taking the drink out of my hand and leading me to the dancefloor again leaving a even more confused Fury behind... I watched Fury walk over to dad and they looked in a heated conversation and Fury looked at us shocked and i smirked as i dont think Fury saw this coming... I guess dad filled him in...

"You dont have to quit..." I whisper as we swayed over the dancefloor... Steve sighed and shook his head... "If you leave i leave... No reason to be here if you aren't here..." He mumbles and i blush... "I mean it Kiara... We can leave and start over... Have a normal life... We can have a life together... Divorce and get married again the way we want it and when you are ready..." He whispers and he presses his lips on mine again... "You would walk away from it all for me?" I whisper as we break the kiss, but he still hovers his lips over mine... "Kiara... I would burn down the world for you..." He whispers and i gasp a little and kiss him passionately wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible... 

I know i am being selfish if i take him away from shield... From the world... But God the idea to start over with him makes me smile... It was like now that i finally had admit my feelings for him i just wanted all of him for myself... With everything that happened in the last few weeks i couldn't wait to be out of the compound tomorrow and yes it would be for a mission but it we would be on our own... Maybe having this be a real wedding on paper was going to be a good thing because this meant that Fury and Dad could not do much to pull us apart... 

"Let's cut the fucking cake and get out of here...." I murmur into the kiss and Steve starts to smirk... Steve nodded to someone, and we cut the cake feeding each other and smiling... I looked around the room and all our guests smiled but most of the Avengers looked at us confused... You could see on their faces that they were confused at the fact that Steve and i seemed to be enjoying this more than they had expected... More than was necessary to keep up the facade... 

After the whole cake cutting, we said our goodbye's and i smirked as Steve hugged Bucky and Sam goodbye before taking my hand pulling me away... "Hope you guys have earplugs... It is going to get loud..." I yelled giggling as we walked away from them, and they both looked shocked... But icing on the cake was the look on dad's face... Horror... Pure horror...

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