Chapter 6

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A few days after Bruce checked out my hand and bandaged it up i walk to the kitchen where Nat is making herself a sandwich... She looks at me and smirks as she takes a bite and i sigh... "Out with it, Nat..." I mumble and she smirks... "Out with what?" She says all innocently and i roll my eyes... "Whatever is on your mind..." I say and she chuckles... "Want to tell me what is going on between you and Rogers..." She says and i look at her like i have no idea what she is talking about... She can't know... nobody can... I have been avoiding Steve like the plague... I didn't train in the mornings anymore and when he walked into a room i walked out... 

"Just the usual... Him being an ass..." I say and walk to the fridge to get myself a bottle of water. "Are you sure?" She asks and i hear a hint of concern in her voice and this tells me she doesn't know... "Yep..." I say and she nods... "You know you can talk to me right... I would never tell anyone..." She says and i smile... "I know... But there is nothing to know..." I say and although i trust her and she would probably never tell a soul i keep it to myself because i can't risk it... 

"Well just a heads up... Fury was so pleased about you and Rogers working together that he is thinking on sending you undercover with him..." She says and i look at her shocked and disgusted... "How would they figure that would working out... He is known everywhere... What are they going to do say he is his evil twin?  He would be recognized anywhere..." I say surprised and Nat smirks... "They plan on using that from what i heard... I just wanted to give you a heads up... Because if Fury gets his way you will be Mrs. Rogers really soon living it up in the suburbs as husband and wife..." She says giggling and walks out of the kitchen... "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I yell after her and just as i am about to follow her out Fury, Dad and Steve walk into the kitchen... Dad looks annoyed, and Steve doesn't look at me avoiding eye contact at any cost... 

"No..." I say and Fury looks confused... "No?" He asks and i nod... "You dont even know what i want from you..." He says and i scoff... "Little tip for the future... Whenever you make plans and want to spring them on me... Make sure Nat doesn't know..." I say and he groans and dad smirks... Steve stays quiet still not looking at me... 

"I know what you are going to ask and i am going to decline..." I say and Fury looks at me with a stern look... "Well, you have no choice..." He says and i scoff... "Last i checked i do..." I say and he shakes his head... "Well in that case... I'll quit..." I say and this seems to get Steve's attention as his eyes grow wide as he finally brings up the courage to look at me... 

"You quit?" Fury asks and i nod... "Pumkin... I dont like it either but it is the only way to get a foot in the door of this organization..." He says and i look at him shocked... "Really dad? Just like that..." I say and he sighs... "You two worked well together..." He says and i feel the anger rise inside of me... "Was that a test? To see if we could..." I spit at them and the looks on their faces tells me enough... "Unbelievable... We'll let me tell you this... It was hell..." I growl and dad sighs... "Hell or not you got results..." Fury says and i turn to Steve... "You agreed to this?" I say and he nods... 

I scoff again and sigh... "Well i am not... Let Nat do it... Or Sharon... She loves Steve... She wouldn't mind being fake married to him... Or better yet Bucky... Out them as being gay and they can go life in the suburbs..." I say and Fury sighs... "Stark... Talk some sense into your stubborn daughter will you..." He says and turns around Steve following behind... 

"I am not doing it..." I say as soon as they left... "Yes, you will because you have to think about it like this... You can torment him and there is nothing he can do about it... Come on you are a Stark... You can do this... You are a professional..." He says sitting down on the table... 

"So, you are okay with this... Steve and i having to act like a married couple...?! Being all lovey dovey..." I say and he sighs... "Am i happy about it... No... Is it the best option... Yes..." He says looking at me all guilty... "Well to bad because i am not doing it..." I say digging my heels in... "What would it take pumpkin... Do you want a new suit?" He asks and i scoff... "Why would i want that... I never even used the thing... I am not you... I dont like being stuck in that thing..." I say and he smirks. "And yet you always wear the bracelet..." He says smirking holding my hand up and i roll my eyes... But suddenly it hits me... I could get my safe space back... Erase everything tainted by Steve...

"I want to redo my whole room... Everything new and a whole new wardrobe... Anything i want you are going to get me..." I say and he looks at me confused... "What is wrong with your room?" He asks and i sigh... "I just dont like it anymore... Take it or leave it..." I say and he chuckles... "Sure no problem..." He says and he jumps off the table... "It will be fine pumpkin... Now i will go set up the wedding and the press conference... Dont worry even though it is fake i will make you the most beautiful bride there is..." He says and i look at him shocked... "Wedding?!!" I say and dad nods... "It has to look real pumpkin..." He explains and i groan and whine... "Couldn't we just have eloped..." I whine and he shakes his head... "A Stark eloping no one is going to buy that... We will let you know the details in the briefing tomorrow..." He says and leaves the room leaving me behind feeling shocked and annoyed.

Kiara StarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang