Chapter 23

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Steve pov...

I am looking at my beautiful wife laying there looking so small, fragile and above all pale... They were able to get her back, find the internal bleeding and fix it all while they almost lost her 2 times... But she is not out of the woods yet... She has lost a lot of blood... "It is all up to her now..."  The doctor had said as i wouldn't leave her side... I watched her as they installed her in this room, machines that beep everywhere...  I watch over her like a hawk scared she will slip away... I walk into the room and sit down beside her and take her cold hand in mine...  I kiss the back of it and try to warm them up... I feel the tears stream down my face... "You got to fight princess... You can't leave me now..." I whisper and i stand up and plant a kiss on her forehead...

There is a knock on the door and Nat sticks her head in... "Hey..." She whispers... "Hey..." I say and she walks in closing the door softly behind her... "How is she doing?" Nat asks and i shake my head... "I should have stayed with her... But she said i had to help you..." I mumble and Nat takes in a sharp breath... "I'm sorry..." She mumbles and i sigh... "What do you want..." I ask harsher then intended... 

"Well, uhm... Tony wanted to come and see her, but the doctors say he is not on the list and not allowed... That you said he is not welcome" Nat says looking at me and i lift my head and look at her... "That is right..." I say and she sighs... "Come on Steve she is his daughter..." She says and i my blood starts to boil... "Yes, his daughter that wants nothing to do with him anymore... His daughter who is thanks to him in the hospital because his arrogance made him not wait for the signal setting everything off... His daughter... My wife... Who is fighting for her live because he thinks he knows better than everyone else... He put her here..." I bite at her, and she looks at me shocked, horror on her face... "Steve i... He..." She says but i shake my head... "No... And that is the final answer... At least until she can speak for herself if she wants to see him when she wakes up i won't stop her... But for now i do what i think she would have wanted and that means he can go to hell..." I hiss at her, and she nods and walks away... But before she leaves, she pauses... "You really love her, do you?" She says and i sigh... "I loved her from the first time i saw her in training..." I mumble kissing Kiara's hand again...

"You all just go home... There is nothing here for you..." I say before she leaves, and she rushes out... I just want to be alone with her but even that seems to be a problem as i hear a lot of yelling from the hallway... I sigh and stand-up kissing Kiara's hand and forehead again... "I'll be right back princess... Dont go anywhere..." I whisper and take a deep breath and walk out of the room... As soon as i step out and close the door behind me everyone gets quiet and looks at me... 

Tony stops making a scene and looks at me... "I want to see her... She is my daughter..." He says and i scoff... I see Fury arrive and i scoff again... "Good... You are all here..." I say looking between Fury and Tony... I reach in the inside pocket of my jacket and pull out the two envelopes that Kiara and i had prepared for after the mission... We were planning to hand them over to Tony and Fury after the debriefing but i didn't want to wait anymore... I walk over to Tony... I push the envelopes in his hands... 

"Kiara and i resign from the Avengers... These are our resignation letters... We were going to give you them after the debrief... But this is just a good a time as any..." I say and Tony looks at the envelopes in shock... He never thought Kiara was really serious... He probably thought she was angry and lashing out, saying things she did not mean... 

"Now hold on Captain..." Fury says stepping in as Tony for the first time since i met him, is to stunned to speak... "Let's not make any hasty decisions..."  Fury says and i start to laugh... Full on laughing... "Hasty decisions? We had months...! Kiara even said it to Tony before she walked down the aisle... She is done... She wants nothing to do with Shield or Stark anymore... And where my wife goes... I go..." I say and they look at me shocked everyone stays silent not saying a word not looking at me... They do not dare look me in the eyes... 

"Oh, and Tony... You better pray that she will pull through... Because if she doesn't... I will hunt you down and put a bullet in your head... She is in that hospital bed because of you... She is in that bed fighting for her life because you couldn't wait for the damn signal... You are a selfish son of a bitch who only thinks about himself... You had to do your own thing again... Consequences be damned... Well now you have to face the music... Go home there is no place for you here..." I say and walk back into Kiara's room... 

I sit down beside her again and take her hand in mine... "I did it princess... We are free... We can do whatever we want... But for that you have to wake up... You have to open those pretty eyes for me..." I say and kiss her hand again...  I sigh as there is no response, just the beeping of the machines... But she is breathing... She just needs time to get strong... The doctor said it could take a while, but they expect her to wake up it is just a waiting game... We have to wait for her to be ready to open those beautiful eyes... Her eyes that could tell you if she was happy or sad... The eyes that twinkle when i tell her i love her... The eyes that look at me with nothing but love... 

I just want to be at home with her, even if we dont have our own yet... I just want to be home with her laying in my arms... Her sent surrounding me, her little body wrapped around me... Her sweet voice talking about whatever is on her mind while i play with her hair... I just want her to wake up... I need her to wake up... I need her to smile at me and tell me everything will be okay...  

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