Chapter 30

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"What do you think you are doing?" Steve says as i carry a garbage bag wanting to put it outside... "Taking out the garbage." I squeak with big eyes dropping the bag in front of my as i had not expected him home until 6 and i know i have been caught red handed... "Sweetheart... I told you to wait until i was home..." He says letting out a sigh and i blush... "I know... But it stank up the whole house and made me nauseous..." I whisper looking at the floor. He chuckles and takes the bag away from me... He puts it aside and kisses me before kissing my belly and rubbing it... I look at him and smile a there is nothing but love in his eyes... He loves to kiss and touch my belly and i love it when he rubs it...

Time has gone by so fast... After we found out i was pregnant Steve went all Bob the builder on me and finished the house in record time... "No more camping in our home..." Was the only answer i got when i had said to take his time, that we had time... But he was adamant he wanted the house to be ready so i could just be pregnant in a comfortable place without dust, paint and whatnot... He is so sweet, protective and always waiting on me hand and foot... I swear he would wipe my ass if i ask him to... The last months were just heaven... Steve would go to work come home with lunch to go back to work again and be home by 6... It feels so.... normal... Heavenly normal... I am 7 months pregnant, and everything is going well the baby and i are healthy. 

"How are you doing sweetheart?" He asks and i smirk... "Are you asking me or the little bean...?" I say smirking and he chuckles... "You sweetheart..." He says and i sigh... "I am tired... I tried to take a nap but no luck... Our little girl has been using me as a punching bag, but now that daddy is home, she is a perfect angel..." I say and Steve smiles and kisses my belly again... "Of course, because she is a daddy's girl..." He says a smile on his face and roll my eyes... I already know that our little girl is going to be spoiled rotten by him... She will be the apple of her daddy's eye and i can't wait for her to be born...

"Since you won't let me do it... Can you please take out the trash, before i throw up..." I whisper as he keeps planting kisses on my belly. He stops and smirks, kisses me one more time before walking out with the garbage bag... I smile and turn around and continue with folding laundry which i was doing when the smell of the garbage was making me nauseous... 

I smile looking at all the little clothes... All the little onesies and dresses... I had washed all the baby clothes i had bought over the last weeks... I was smiling lost in my own thoughts... The idea of Steve with a little baby in his arms made me smile. This big strong man with our little girl who he was already fiercely protective over... Also, about me... Always tucking me under his arm when in public as if he is scared that i walk of or someone will bump into me... Holding my hand as i walked down the stairs of our front porch so i would not slip...  Sometimes it is annoying but i know it comes from a good heart and he is just anxious and wants me safe... 

I smile thinking how he teared up when we saw our little girl for the first time on the ultrasound... Then i think about the day we found out it was a girl... A little girl... Was all Steve kept saying as he kissed my hand over and over with tears in his eyes... We were both emotional and my hormones were messing with me sometimes making me cry about the most ridiculous things... It all doesn't matter though... 

We are just so happy. We are at peace and feeling at home in our own little paradise... With Steve's help i started a vegetable garden. The idea was to have fresh vegetable by the time our little girl was going to eat solids... I chuckle as i think how much i turned into the typical housewife...  But to be honest i loved it... I had even started cooking something i was not really good at. I had laughed my head off as Steve ate my cooking with a fake smile plastered on his face every now and then because it was awful... Especially in the beginning but i was getting better... Maybe it is the nesting stage of the pregnancy that is making me this way. Maybe the hormones of the pregnancy make me be all domesticated... Whatever it was i felt a sense of peace i had not felt in a long time...

I look towards the front door and frown as Steve has not gotten back inside yet... I shrug it off as maybe one of the neighbors had stopped by asking for his help or just for a chat... This happens a lot, people here are much more friendly to their neighbors, people here help each other out... 

Steve was always happy to help our neighbors. He seemed to have adapted to small town life really well and had already integrated in the community... As i am done folding the laundry i hear the front door... "Did one of the neighbors keep you again..." I say smiling putting everything i had folded into the laundry basket not looking back at him...

"No... Not one of the neighbors..." Steve said the sound of his voice was off so i turned around... "Okay..." I say and he walk over to me... "Sit down sweetheart..." He says with worry in his voice and i look at him getting anxious... "Steve... You are scaring me..." I say and he takes a deep breath... "There is someone here to see you..." He says and i take a deep breath... 

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