Chapter 4

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Steve pov...

The first time i saw her was the first day of her training... It was like everything in the room went blurry and all i could see was her... She was laughing with another recruit... I thought it was the most beautiful sound ever... I was so confused... She had the most beautiful dark brown long hair and her smile... God, it made me weak in the knees... Kiara Thompson is in my eyes the most beautiful creature walking the earth... The next few months i admired her from afar as she excels in training, she was tough, fast and smart... She could take out a guy 2 times her size with ease not even breaking a sweat... They never saw it coming as she used their own egos against them... Every man that thought she was an easy target would come out taken a peg down... 

Even Tony who never showed every interest in the new recruits came by showing interest which annoyed me asking myself why he was so interested in her.... Time went on and she was assigned and i didn't see her as much and when i did she was always busy... She was one of Fury's favorites as she always got the job done... She is fearless and won't stop until she gets what she wants... Or what shield wants... God she was just amazing and sometimes a little scary and it did things to me... 

Sam figuring out pretty quick of my liking to her was always saying i should ask her out... I never did... Peggy had just died, and i was confused i always thought Peggy was the love of my life and to then fall so hard for someone else confused me... I thought i was ridiculous for feeling that way as i never really spoken to her other than instructing her in training... But she was on my mind all the time... She haunted my dreams and i can't even count the number of times i had to relief myself after waking up hard and sweaty dreaming about her... All i could think about as i finished myself of was her wondering how she would feel around my dick... Imagining her on her knees with my dick in her mouth or laying underneath me moaning begging me for more...

To say i took it bad when Tony brought her into the Avengers introducing her as his daughter and revealing she was not Kiara Thompson, but Kiara Stark was an understatement... I know it is ridiculous but i felt betrayed... Not only because none of us knew he had a grown daughter but i had fallen for a Stark... She moved into the compound and i just couldn't help myself... I know it was not fair of me to insinuate that she got here because of her father... I just didn't know how to handle having her around me all the time so i became distant and cold... 

I started calling her princess and telling her that the only reason she got here was because of her last name which ticked her off and so i came to a point that we despised each other... Or better said she despised me because no matter how harsh i was on her i couldn't get her off my mind the thought that we were only separated by a wall at night was driving me crazy... Seeing her walk around in those tiny shorts and shirts or those beautiful dresses accentuating every curve when she attended one of Tony's party's it made me insane... Seeing her flirt with other men made me want to kill them and claim her as mine.... In the field i kept her away from me to not have her be a distraction...

It didn't help that Tony called everyone into a meeting telling us his daughter was off limits... It didn't help that she was defiant on missions speaking up and questioning my decisions every step of the way with Tony egging her on... He loved his defiant daughter, and he loved it even more that she was defiant towards me... She was the apple of his eye and sometimes i would think she could do no wrong... 

Every time she opened her bratty mouth i imagined it wrapped around my dick and it frustrated me even more... Every time she would call me out on my bullshit telling me to go to hell that we didn't life in the 40's anymore i just had to yield my body... God, it took every ounce of self-control to not drag her off and fuck her... It felt so wrong and yet i wanted her so bad... 

When Bucky came on my radar, and we got him out of Hydra... Tony and i went head-to-head and she was the one who to my surprise got Tony to see that Bucky had no choice... She advocated for Bucky... Going against her father risking their relationship just because she didn't agree with her father...  She was the reason Tony and i finally put aside our differences... I know that... I really do but i just ignored it because i couldn't give in she was off limits... She went with us to Wakanda as part of the deal i made with Tony for Bucky to be accepted into the Avengers to give him a home and a purpose... It was hell... 

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