Chapter 17

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Steve looks at me with a soft smile walking up to me and cupping my face... I just had asked him the question that had plagued me the last week as i felt so happy... I know it was forced upon me... But i was happy... I felt happy... A comfortable feeling i was now scared would disappear as soon as the mission was over... Scared because i was wondering if he was as happy as me... 

He leans in and kisses me soft and sweet... "I will stay married to you as long as you will have me..." He whispers and i smile but i feel myself tear up... "What is wrong princess..." He whispers looking worried and i shake my head before burying my face in his chest... 

"Princess..." He whispers and i groan frustrated making him chuckle... "I hate this..." I mumble and he sighs... "You hate what?" He asks with worry and a hint of amusement in his voice... "Feeling so needy, insecure and vulnerable..."  I murmur and he chuckles... "Not funny Rogers..." I sigh still with my head in his chest as he wraps his big strong arms around me...  

"You're right it is not funny..." He mumbled kissing the top of my head but i could feel him smirk holding his breath his body shocking as he was internally still laughing... So i pushed myself off of him. "You know what... Never mind..." I mumble and walk away feeling shame for opening up and Steve laughing about it and not taking it seriously... "Princess..." He said following me but i ignore him... "Princess..." He said dragging out the word and i rolled my eyes as i kept walking to the bedroom to get out of the dress and take a shower... I wanted to wash the eyes of John off of me and i needed a moment... It almost never happened that i let someone see me vulnerable let alone to a man... So, i felt stupid... I felt weak... Not matter what i should be tough... I have been trained to be tough... To let no one, see your weaknesses...

"Kiara?" Steve said still following me now with anxiety in his voice as i had completely shut him out... I just undressed kicking my heels aside as Steve stood in the doorway watching me... Normally i would make a little show of it... Tease him... But now i just took off my clothes and grabbed something to wear for after my shower... "Kiara!" Steve said now a little louder as i was about to walk into the bathroom... I stopped dead in my tracks took a deep sigh and turned around looking at him as cold as possible... "What?" I said showing no emotions at all... I shut it off... He had laughed at me when i thought i could finally let my guard down around someone... 

But instead, he laughed... I felt ashamed for letting my guard down thinking i could show him my vulnerability and i closed up... Maybe not the healthiest reaction but i couldn't help it... "Princess..." He said stepping in front of me and i just looked at him empty... "I am sorry... I should not have laughed..."  He says putting his finger under my chin making me look up him but i pull my head out of his grip... "I am going to shower..." I mumble ignoring his apology not knowing what to do with it and not wanting to get laughed at again or come across like a fool...

I turn around walking in the bathroom and i lock the door behind me... I sigh and turn on the shower taking a deep breath as i get rid of my underwear... When the water is warm enough i step under it and let it run down my body and i close my eyes fighting the confused emotions... It surprises me that i am not angry that i not lashed out... Instead, i just feel hurt... 

"Dont cry... Dont cry... Dont cry..." I keep mumbling to myself as some sort of mantra... When i finally have myself under control again i dry off and get dressed walking out of the bathroom and finding Steve sitting on the bed waiting for me still in his clothes...  

He is sitting on my side of the bed so i can't just crawl in and go to sleep... "Princess come here..." He says as i am putting my phone on the charger before bed and he pulls on my arm putting me between his legs but i look away... "I am sorry baby... I didn't mean to laugh and make you upset... This is all new to me to... I am almost a hundred years old... And i never had a relationship be this serious..." He says and i sigh... "That is no excuse for being a dick..." I mumble still not looking at him biting my tongue to not cry and he sighs... 

"I know... I am sorry..." He says and sighs again hugging me his head on my chest his arms wrapped around me... I give in and run my hands through his gold locks that are getting longer as he is growing it out... "Please forgive me princess... I can't stand it when you are mad at me..." He murmurs and i sigh... "I am not mad... I am hurt..." I mumble. "I dont show my emotions easily Steve..." I whisper and he sighs holding me a little tighter... "I know... And i want you to know you always can i won't think any less of you... I will only love you more... I just laughed because i was so happy you did... And i know that sounds strange but it is the truth..." He mumbles and looks up and i sigh and lean down kissing him not being able to resist anymore... 

He lays down pulling me with him and i cuddle into him lying on his chest... "While i was in the shower i came up with a plan to speed up the process of this mission..." I murmur and Steve sighs... "Spill... Because then we can get out of here and start the rest of our lives together..." He mumbles and i smile... "I like the sound of that..." I whisper and he smiles... Smiles not laughs and i lift my head and attach my lips with his before i explain my plan...

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