The girls all stopped in their tracks turning to look at the older girl. Ivy bit her lower lip, shoving her hands into her front pockets. She too sometimes didn't understand Leah or what went on in her brain. She's known her the longest apart from the other girls and still had a hard time reading her. "Why would she think that way?" Mina asked, her arm wrapping around Ivy's. The older girl let out a small sigh, looking at the girls around her. She debated on telling them what she knew. Once she opened her mouth there wasn't going back. She didn't want to argue with Leah but she also didn't want to keep secrets between the girls. They were all a family after all. "Why don't I show you? You guys just have to promise you won't say anything to her." She placed her pinky out for them. Mina had been the first to wrap her own pinky with hers. Yujin became hesitant watching Miyeon join in as well. The three girls waited for her as she slowly intertwined her finger with them.

The Thailand girl let them down a rocky path past a small ranch that not only had a donkey tied to a tree trunk but a small dog guarding him. The dog is there not only to keep him company but for protection. Incase anyone wanted to steal him or other dogs tried to attack him.

Leah let out a small sigh feeling relief and refreshed to be back home. For once she didn't feel the need to hide her face nor wear headphones to block out the world. She actually enjoyed the sound of chatter mixed with laughter. Walking around the small market her eyes scanned the room in search of candles. She made it to the far end by buying more expensive candles which had pictures on the glass of Jesus and the Virgin Marie. She thanked the older woman as she searched for a flower shop wanting to buy him fresh flowers. She's aware they were going to last long but it's always the thought that counts. It's something she had learned from him. Although he couldn't buy her many things when she was younger he still made the effort to craft and make her things. Making her learn to treasure personal handmade gifts more. She smiled at an older man as she bought a bouquet of white lilies and a small purple flower crown to place on his tomb. Walking back to the center of the plaza to fetch herself a taxi she munched on Chancaquillas being one of her favorite Mexican snacks. (Chancaquillas, a delicious candy made from panela and pumpkin seeds.)

The graveyard wasn't far from the center point of the small town but it was still a very hard long walk. People suggest taking a taxi or driving yourself there. The amount of walking mixed with heading up a hill was enough to make your feet ache. Getting into the taxi she smiled at the driver as she pulled down her window taking another deep breath. It all felt surreal to her being back home and being able to enjoy the town once again. She truly loved the cleaner smell of Mexico not having to worry what lingers in the air. It was filled with dirt and naturally made her feel a lot calmer. To tell the truth she's always been an outdoor person. It's just Korea had more people than Mexico, making her feel a bit suffocated with the amount of people surrounding her, especially at grocery stores. Plus she also hated when people tried to come up to her and she would also build up anxiety just with the thought of someone glancing her way. Which led to her always having her headphones in and wearing a face mask. It was enough to assure her she would be fine. "Aren't you Maria's daughter? I'm one of her old school classmates." He glanced her way through the rear mirror. The distracted brunette girl looked away from the beautiful scenery in front of her. Her green blue eyes landed on the older tan male who offered her a kind smile.

It was common in Mexico for everyone to talk to everyone. In such a small town everyone knew each other and they could easily point out the travelers. "Yes, I'm her daughter." She responded back with a calm voice. No one truly knew what had happened between them nor why she hated her daughter so much. She was almost the exact resemblance of each other, except Leah did have a few Korean features she had gotten from her father.  The older man nodded his head as he kept his eyes focused on the road. "Are you visiting your family or just your grandfather like last time?" Her eyes remained on the road watching people walk by. She waved at a few neighbors she recognized with a smile on her face. Her hands landed back onto her lap as she continued to watch the busy roads. It's crazy to her how the roads here were filled with people and sometimes horses. There's barely any cars and taxis. It's common for people to walk because of how close everything is to each other.

The Devils Temptation {Bada Lee}Where stories live. Discover now