Season 3 episode 3

Start from the beginning

"I don't like this part of you." Chifuyu whispered to his partner "It's not like I can control it. Besides, you're not the one to talk." Takemichi deadpan. He still can remember how similar his voice and face was with Chifuyu when Baji died. Of course, Mikey knew that, but he ain't listening at the moment.

"But now I can't return to the future anymore. The future you was the trigger, but now you're dead. What do I do now? Guess there's no point in asking you." He stopped for a moment before continuing. "I know! I'll just change the past again." His voice grew darker and his eyes went wider as he continued on " Then i can save Naoto, and save Hina." He started fiddling with his fingers as if counting before looking at it "Awesome. That's it. Yeah, that's it. Then once I save everyone, I'll return to the future. And I'll fail again and fail again...forget it. Maybe... I'm just better off dead."

"TAKEMITCHY!" Shouted Mikey and Draken. Mizo Middle hugs the boy while Chifuyu smacks him again "That hurts, partner." "Nah, it doesn't."

Mitsuya's eyes are fixated on the screen. 'Those eyes and voice...'

"They're like yours..." Hakkai whispered to Mitsuya who was caught off-guard. "Eh?"

"The eyes and the voice... they're very similar to you. You know...the time when Draken-"

"I get it. You're right." Mitsuya sighed and looked at Draken who was looking at them confused "What are you guys whispering?" Draken asked "Nothing. Just about KMG hehe" He lied.

Takemichi gasped as he felt someone hugged him from behind, he raised his head in shock.

It's Hina.

"I love you." Hina said, Takemichi's eyes widened even more now with a look of horror on his face.



"Huh? You heard all that?"

"Yeah. I think you mistook me for Naoto." She said. Takemichi then covered his mouth in shock 'Oh, crap! I told her all about the future stuff.' Takemichi panicked.

"Oh." Hina deadpanned. Smiley just laughed "She believes you didn't she?" Smiley asked as he grinned. Takemichi smiles "She did." He answers.

Sanzu rolled his eyes "Great now she knows. What's next? Or rather who? Naoto, Chifuyu, and Tachibana, then could be Mikey?"
Angry groaned. "You know what? If you don't want that then shut your mouth! No one needs your opinion. And for "What's next"... Maybe you marrying those fucking Haitanis will do. Thank you." Angry snapped before sighing.

Smiley whistled 'Damn. I didn't know he got it there.'

Takemichi and Mitsuya sighed as Chifuyu, Inupi and Senju laughed, Peh simply chuckled.

"Now, now, let's get back to watching shall we?" Mikey stopped the fight.

"Takemichi-kun, how old are you really?" She asked "Uh...Twenty-six." He answered. Hinata opened his eyes "I won't ask you anything else, but tell me just one thing. Has the future Takemichi-kun proposed to me yet?" She asked which caught Takemichi off-guard. "No....Not yet." He finally answered.

"But I've always thought it would be great if we got married." He added

'What the heck am I saying?!'

Hinata blushed at that but her smile never leaves her face. "Yeah. What the heck are you saying, Takemichi?" Akkun asked back Takemichi who's a blushing mess. "Shut up Akkun!" He said making the Mizo Middle laugh.

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