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Yes I know tapping on people's shoulders to get their attention is considered rude and annoying but honestly I can't really ever find my proper voice to get someone's attention, it just comes out squeaky and high pitched.

"You wanna try from my plate and then see which you'd like to serve yourself? I don't mind and I've already got everything on my plate anyways."

I push my plate gently towards him him a smile to show I really didn't care. He pushed at the food on my plate warily for a bit before picking some up and taking a bite.

The same process was repeated with every type of food well not all of them, some he didn't even consider worth trying, once he was done he pointed at three out of the ten small portions.

"Where were those?"

Holding back from commenting on how much of a picky eater he was, I pointed tilting my head at the containers that held the food he'd deemed worthy. Loki hastily served himself at last while on the other side of the table Thor stuffed his face with whatever he could get his paws on and although less agressively I was doing the same.

Anxiety makes people hungry okay?!

Feeling bad, mostly because I know how rude it is, I put my headphones on although I keep the music low to keep hearing everyone.

Clint seemed to notice my actions, I imagine he thought I felt awkward and that's why I'd turned my headphones on because he started speaking to me even though the others were still having their own main chat.

"So I was rather quickly filled in but you're a kid from another dimension that knows about a preset future so long as some main events occur, right?"

I love how he acts like that's a summary but that's basically just it, does he think I'm more interesting?

"Yeah that's about it! I know you guys in some ways as if I'd seen a teaser of each of your life stories so I have an idea on who you all are but you still are now suddenly actual people to me. It's a big change cuz people, new people, generally scare me and make me anxious but you for example aren't new per say but I haven't actually met you either... I feel like I'm in a constant in between while you guys just have some random girl that you don't know but who acts like she knows you."

Clint takes a moment to just stare at me, quietly eating, I feel like he was silently hopping for me to deny and scream you've been pranked at him. Finally he spoke again and gave me a comforting smile like he was trying to tell me he got it.

"I get it, you're as lost as we are but in a different way and in a whole nother universe to top it off! Kid you're as brave as some of the hero's at this table."

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