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Tony's sarcasm is admirable as long as it isn't directed towards me, which is now the case. I refuse to answer him before giving him the almost automatic one brow raise to sass him, as my mom used to say.

"Yeah! And there's not really much hurry."

I shrug.

"I mean there are things that should start to take place but none that I'll modify or stop, although I will need to go with the brothers when they head back to Asgard. The next movies happen there, there will be stuff happening here but not to worry none of you die and it's character development!"

Tony's hands are all over the place but he doesn't make a sound just staring at the others for approval, most likely annoyed by the character development part since it is their real lives now...but I kinda do want those things to happen and I don't know how much I can change before the hole plot drifts out and I'm left clueless.

"If you needed to befriend one of the two I'm pretty sure Thor should've been your prime pick! He isn't a criminal, he's the oldest and the heir to the crown wouldn't that mean more protection?"

I frown when I notice Loki gloom and stand straightened his glare ice cold once again while Thor tilts his head in confusion, poor boy thinks I picked Loki cuz I know he needs more friends and can't understand what all this fuss is about.

"First up what if I just wanted to be Loki's friend? He's cool as fuck and damn powerful too! Also I don't need to ask Thor he's a fun guy too but I just know we're already friends. Aren't we big guy?"

That, that was a big risk that has me clasping my hands together so no one sees them fidget and shake, I know how Thor is and that's it's very likely he'll agree but I just...what if he doesn't?

"Of course!"

I inadvertently let out a breath of sweet air I'd been gatekeeping out of stress.

"See! Also Tony, I'm not deigning to acknowledge your last comment about all of you having to blindly believe in me, because to some level you do have to but I'm also doing my best to give each and every one of you solid reasonings and explanations for my actions."

The mentioned only gave me his iconic eye roll before deeming it was no point fighting right now he decided to ask a more important question.

"And when do you plan on leaving for this land of god's were dada Odin will judge poor little reindeer games for his crimes?"

Oh how I love Tony and his way with words!

"Hold it Stark! It's the All father and you must hold some respect. Tell him little lady how glorious All Father Odin is."

Thor is asking me? No that's a bad choice. I don't have the best track record of respecting Odin not during the first Thor movie when he screamed Arg at his adopted son for absolutely no reason, I'll admit I laughed at that, and definitely not now that he's real.

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