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And even overwhelming was a very simplified way of explaining it all! I know what happened during THOSE years I remember the emotions I remember the vacation's and some weekends I just completely erased almost three school years...

"Don't think you're getting off so easily mortal. You've somehow managed to be disrespectful and yet polite at the same time but that does not mean I'll stand you thinking you've got a choice here. Listen well, I will only say it once! You are my prisoner, you do not get such liberties no matter how soft you may think I've been."

His eyes are almost completely blue and I almost flinch when I notice, it must be so hard and painful to be in a constant fight just to be able to speak what you actually want.

So instead of encouraging the conversation to go on I only nod looking down at my lap where my hands keep fidgeting.

It doesn't take long for Tony to walk in his carefree attitude manages to relax me a bit more.

When he offers Loki a drink I raise my hand giving him a sign to make me something. He seems to relax, understanding that if I'm here things should go smoothly or at least go as they should.

I stand up from my spot and carefully walk around Loki, the blue in his eyes being the only reason I try and be wary, over to the counter taking the sweet cocktail from Starks hand.

I take a sip as they talk hoisting myself up on the counter to be able to see better, which earned a questioning glance from Tony. Still greedily sipping at the sweet drink I give him a thumbs up which leaves both males confused.

I watch a scene I know far too well move along, I notice how I can't help but flinch each time things were more physical while through the screen I was never so affected. Obviously it's not the same to watch to actor fake chocking the other than to see Tony actually get chocked and I struggle to keep still and not try to help.

My hands fly to covers my ears even over the headphones when Stark's gets yeeted out of the window but my uncomfort at the sounds does not take away the small laugh I let out at Tony's scream and Loki being put down by an armored suit.

Soon Tony flies up again and is just by the window giving me an accusing glare that clearly says "You could've stopped this or warned me!" but all he gets from me in return is a mischievous smile and a shrug before I hush him away with my hand.

When Tony nodded and flew away it took Loki seconds to turn around and analyse me. Slowly a dangerous smile formed on his lips and he stalked towards me...

This should be scary, I remind myself, stop smiling like an idiot! But I can't help it, my knee bounces nervously but I smile at Loki his eyes are now switching colors.

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