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"Perhaps I wished for some fun and decided to simply annoy my brother"

I turned to look at him, hearing him call Thor his brother meant the control Thanos held on him was weaker in more relaxed moments like these.

Looking at him over my shoulder I couldn't help but smile widely seeing his eyes shine green with barely any blue in them.

"You could've but I don't think anyone would've known it was you if that was the case, I also believe the timing to have been far to much of a coincidence for that to be the case."

I couldn't help the yawn that left my lips, god I was exhausted. Probably won't get another chance to relax and if I stay here it's most likely someone will find me after Loki runs away.

"How... You seem to speak as though we've met before and yet I haven't set a foot on Midgard for at least we'll a century!"

Letting out a sight I stop to wonder on my answer, I can't truly explain otherwise Thanos will most likely send someone for me. But if I don't answer he won't trust me and currently that might not be a great idea at the moment.

"I'll explain soon enough, I promise Loki..."

Another yawn interrupted me and my brain seem to take the chance to remind me of something important.

"Don't... don't kill the agent that comes after Thor and I'll tell you everything"

He raised a brow confused but I didn't  catch on it when I turned to give him one last smile before pulling up the hood  and my headphones playing some music and letting myself relax into sleep.

Expecting to wake up to Thor and Loki's shouting or, if I'm lucky and that doesn't wake me up, to blast shots.

Instead I slept right through everything thanks to Loki's magic once he got out of the cell he made sure to put up a spell that would keep me from awakening because of loud sounds.

He'd been shocked to see I'd actually fallen asleep in his presence only. Which I would've been too, especially since I clearly remember finding it imposible to sleep on that comfortable couch, but oh the ground by Loki's cell was just it!

Loki had now gently picked me up in his arms and of course my simping yet sleeping ass cuddled closer showing my back to Thor, who had yet to be thrown off the helicarrier.

Remember my amazing hoodie with in the front Loki Friggason by my heart, thankfully covered by either the headphones or hood up until now, and on the back a huge ass gold on soft mint green drawing of Loki's helmet withe written in big letters beneath it his most famous quote "I am burdened with glorious purpose".

Well it's now completely on show for the God of thunder who seems to as always have quite the creative imagination.

"First you put the little lady under a sleeping spell and then you dare change her into your symbols?!"

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