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"I-I didn't! I said no lie... haven't lied to you not once! Please just listen..."

My voice was shaking and I'd closed my eyes awaiting whatever it felt like to be controlled but never felt so much as the tip of his scepter graze me, finally I opened my eyes letting out a deep breath.

I saw he'd lowered his scepter and was now just glaring a shimmer of hurt in his eyes, I also noticed my hands had rised wide open towards him like it'd do something to protect me from him.

Before I get to feel bad or regret my subconscious answer a loud growling -grumbling? Whatever you call the sound Hulk makes!- made it's way in between us startling me and making Loki jump back into a hidden defense stance behind his uncaring and unimpressed appearance.

Nonetheless what had to happen happened and I winced as I watched Loki get smashed around like a rag doll until Hulk was pleased with his work. Finally he let go leaving Loki to lay on the broken floor in a small but forming pool of his own blood, nothing bad I knew, but that didn't erase my worry.

When hulk turned to me however I silently hoped he'd evolved enough to understand speech as I friendly but nervously waved at him.

"Hi, I'm with the good guy but don't worry there's biggest bad guys for you to smash out there!"

Hulk seemed to wonder whether I was worth attempting to smash but apparently even to Hulk I look damn boring and harmless!

Don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult, honestly I'm just happy I'm not in the same state as Loki...

Speaking of, the moment I see Hulk head out I hurriedly jump off the bar stool. Of course me and my luck I manage to twist my ankle and cuss like a sailor as I jump my way over to Loki shaking my numb ankle before walking normally again.

I must be making some hell of a face as I kneel by Loki's side snatching a pillow to put under his head patiently waiting for him to regain awareness as I scan the room for a first aid kit.

"Fucking hell, Tony's a freaking billionaire but he can't even buy some gashes or even a few hello kitty band aids? Oh hey!"

Looking at Loki who now has his eyes open, which I guess is a good sign. I give him a smile but quickly frown as he tries to get up, gently stopping  him.

"Nope you're definitely not THAT great yet! Sorry by the way, I shouldn't have let Hulk do that but it's not like I knew how to stop him and even so you needed the shaking to get that asshole out of your head. So, how are you feeling, my prince?"

Loki only blinks letting out a pained groaning sound bringing his arm up to cover his eyes from the light. I guess he must be feeling somewhere between bad hang over and car crash!

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