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Now this was definitely Avengers 1 and I highly doubted I'd been stabbed in the park, although the possibly hadn't been discarded.

We where now walking back into the jet thingy we arrived in and I was almost being dragged by Natasha who had quickly explained my appearance to Tony.

I mostly kept my gaze down in nerves.

In before us was Loki, getting dragged by Steve and surrounded by agents, I could not see his face but I knew for a fact he was smirking. Behind us was Tony who closed off the trap door of the jet and ordered for us to take off.

I was sat in besides Natasha and unintentionally in front of Loki who was closely overlooked by Steve and Tony.

As everything slowly started to set in excitement kicked in and I pressed my lips tightly together in hopes of suppressing a smile. My knee was bobbin, as always, a nervous tick I had.

And I kept running my nails across my thighs in anxiety, it was either that or the back of my neck, which was the main reason I tried to keep my nails short.

I kept switching from looking at the ground to analyzing each one of them fixating on Loki each and every time.

Although I'd yet to see him standing next to me he seemed far taller than I'd ever imagined, his face was that of the movies just like the others but I guess since I didn't see Tony wearing heels, their heights must be that of the comics and not actors. Not to say I'm short, I'm a good 1'72 meters but still the guy seemed far too tall.

I also noticed how weak he actually looked, of course we only ever get to see his true power in his series, when he's no longer just been tortured or grieving his mother.

His eyes were an icy blue that moved in circles like a liquid in his iris, but it sometimes thinned out or flicked away for a second, letting me see the emerald green behind them.

I must have been unconsciously smiling judging by the confused everyone on board seemed to be giving me.

Looking at Tony I fully let myself smile and let my eyes admire his armour as he only raised a brow.

"So we do not have any idea of who she is?!"

This was just the reminder I needed to look away awkwardly in pure embarrassment.

Great just when I'd stopped martyring my thighs and I was back at it again from nerves.

"All we now is how she appears that she seemed as surprised at us and that she claims to be on the good side"

Steve's answer made me look back up and give him a thankful smile, he was implying I was no threat and was to be treated nicely.

Going back to looking at my shoes I managed to stop scratching and instead drew patterns on my thighs until a loud thunder made me jump in place and reminded me I still hadn't put back on my headphones.

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