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"We do not have time for this! Kid, are you good or bad?"

The one to speak was the Natasha lookalike, honestly I was beginning to wonder if it wasn't actually her, I might have simply been injected some bullshit when taking a walk and was now tripping.


Where they actually asking me this? Like I'd say bad and risk my ass.

"Perfect, then you better follow orders, we'll figure out this mess when things calm down. We are landing now so everybody move, move! Rogers, it's your turn"

Nodding the Steve lookalike moved to the large opening I had somehow missed before and jumped. My blood ran cold, we where in the fucking air!

That's why I felt movement but no bumps to indicate a road.

Landing didn't take too long after that but it was a terrifying experience, considering I was the only one to not know what was happening, some guy pulled me up to stand which I somehow managed. Next thing I knew I'd been pushed outside of what I now saw was some kind off jet.

The engine was still running and that along with the new sound of people yelling was all to much. In my fall my headphones hand fallen off and I rushed to slip them back on at least until I got away from the jet.

This was all to real, far too real and the hand that had just adjusted my headphones was now tapping them rythmically in nerves. Once far enough I tried to slowly take in everything, well more like understand it.

There where people running and yelling the man in leather where all doing weird formations and the Rogers guy was fighting someone in leather, green and gold with an all too familiar helmet.

I should probably be having a really bad anxiety attack now that my brain is finally processing and putting shit together, especially since someone had just pushed me to the ground, making my headphones fall.

Shit my headphones! I was freaking out and there where loud noises I could easily guess to be shots.

I'm not freaking American that shit ain't normal for me and I'm not planning for it to become normal, someone please get me out of here.

Less people where running away now, mostly because they where all gone by now but I could finally see my headphones on the ground not too far.

Before I could slip them on loud music caught my attention, back in black by AC/DC to be specific. And in flying came a suit my brain had memorized every detail of from a very young age.

Iron man...

First the Black widow,Natasha Romanoff. Then freaking Captain America, Steve Rogers. I think I saw a glimpse of freaking Loki and now Iron Man, Tony fucking Stark!

This looked far too much like a scene from Avengers 1 and I didn't know wether to be happy or assume I was dying after getting stabbed in the park and my brain was creating this to protect me from the pain.

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