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Out in the dark streets I head for the park, planning to take my usual walk, although later than usual. That being fully the fault of the new book I'd started, it had me hooked from the first words, what was originally just 3 to 5 chapters turned into 10 to 15.

Now speaking numbers the probability of something happening to me is very low, I live in a good neighborhood and there's barely any crime. However when has anxiety ever listened to logic?

Yeah, exactly, never.

So here I am hands stuffed in my pockets looking around my paranoid and nervously making a popping sound with my mouth for some reason. I'm also skipping from time to time hopping it'll calm me.

I know I need this walk and to be in nature from time to time, so that I don't suddenly burst out on someone or get overly fidgety and unable to work from anxiety, but couldn't it have been delayed tomorrow morning?!

Of course I look all around me but to my feet and that's exactly what led me into stepping right into the gapping hole in the ground with a creepy blue light around it.

Letting out a yelping scream as I feel my whole weight drop, you know that horrible sensation when you mentally add and extra step to the stairs.

I land roughly on my knees and hands stopping my cry out. But the ground is completely smooth and definitely not earth but metal.

Looking up I hear a familiar voice say.

"You saw that too right?!"

I'm somewhere enclosed and it feels like it's moving which is very much the opposite of reassuring.

My brain starts over analysing everything, which seems very much useless considering my kidnappers will likely not give me time to think it all through.

But it just doesn't make sense that I'd been kidnapped! No one falls through a glowing hole and ends up in the truck of some kidnappers, nope definitely not a truck or I would've felt a bump by now.

Finally analysing those around me is what leaves me speechless.

"She just fell through a glowing hole"

A girl answered the man that had spoken before. She seemed far too cool considering this was apparently also confusing to them. Nope definitely not a kidnapping!

She was wearing some fancy leather one piece that had, where those weapons strapped to it?!

This was getting more and more dangerous, not to even speak of how similar she currently looked and sounded compared to Scarlet Johansson during the first avengers movie.

Everyone else around us was also armed to their teeth and in black skin tight suits except for the first guy to speak. He was wearing a full captain America outfit, shield included and all that bullshit. I must have been drugged, because he too looked and sounded exactly like Chris Evans, during the first avengers movie!

I tried to remind myself to breath and try to understand what was happening.

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