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Thor seems to also have noticed it and moves closer.

"Little Lady!"

I'll be honest, I did get scared when seeing that mammoth of a man walking towards me, with an outstretched hand directed towards me.

If I hadn't gotten fully paralysis by fear I would've probably moved slightly to the side. It's not like contact so little as him reaching for my shoulder bothered me, but he was really big and loud and moved fairly quickly, I was also not expecting any of this.

I fully expected contact and had even closed my eyes tightly but I was never met with it instead I heard Thor's loud thud as he hit the ground.

Opening my eyes I saw clear as day, Thor sprawled on the ground and not too far Loki with one of his legs stretched, he'd very obviously tripped the older god.

The look Thor turned to give his brother was it for me, bursting out laughing before I quickly did my best to keep quiet.

Standing up and dusting off his armour Thor reached for me once again, this time much calmer and with me expecting it, I was perfectly calm and happy with it.

He meant no harm, I knew that for a fact but I'd just woken up and didn't exactly enjoy being moved around.

Thankfully he only moves me so whoever was speaking to them can now see me, in this case Nick Fury who give me a really creepy look.

"This is the Little Lady, she's very nice and knows me! But I know not who she is or why she's here"

Wow, thank you Thor, that's exactly what you'd call throwing someone under the buss!

Of course I don't actually speak up and simply wave awkwardly.

Natasha apparently decided to shorten my suffering under the gaze of the direction and further explained.

"She fell out of some kind of glowing portal into the jet as we headed to Germany. Seems to foresee events but has proved not to be a threat."

I give a thumbs up hopping to someone prove I'm harmless, like that's proving anything. If something my appearance might be proof enough!

To be fair I had been remembering to eat dinner most night and have healthy meals so I didn't look like a stick but by no means did I look anywhere near threatening.

I see Loki taken away, probably off to a first attempt at questioning before he is taken to his cell, and can't help but pout slightly. He was the most calm and less threatening towards me of the group, yes Nat was calm but she kept looking at me like she was ready to beat the hell out of me, which was unsettling.

Either way now that the only one who could possibly eavesdrop for Thanos was away I decide to try and explain who I am...well more or less

"I'd say I'm from the future but that's not exactly correct. I'm from another dimension, the point in my timeline from which I come from is 2023, while over here it's currently 2012 right?"

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