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So I'm now rambling on nonsense? Amazing...

"I suppose I can allow that..."

He spoke calmly, judging my reaction. The guy probably thinks there's no problem with waiting a bit longer specially since I'm easy enough to kidnap... would I actúa put up a fight if Loki tried to kidnap me?

That's a good question actually! I always said I wouldn't but that was before actually meeting him as a real person... let's be honest I would still let him, I'd even help if he asked me to.

That just proves how many problems I have! Really? I'd let this random guy I've just met kidnap me without putting up a fight, most likely helping even, just because he's the real version of my favorite movies and comics characters?

I need profesional help, well i already had professional help but I very obviously need more!

"Are you alright, little lady?"

Loki's voice is gentle and soft almost like he's afraid to startle me out of my own thoughts, his hand is just in front of his chest open like he'd been about to reach for me but had remembered what I'd said in the jet.

He had successfully snapped me out of my thoughts...for a second or so before my mind started to swirl rapidly over another topic.

Did he just call me little lady again? Thor saying it is fun and adorable but the way Loki says it... should I ever tell him my name? No I don't think I ever should, I like his little nicknames even if he decides to switch lady with mortal.

Yeah but he doesn't use nicknames as a love language like you do! A voice in my head reminds me, I'm shit at giving nicknames but receiving them warms my heart.

Tony and Loki give nicknames to everyone all the time, both good and bad, that might be one of the reasons I love them so much. That and how amazing Loki is, not right now because of the torture, but if you watch his series you can see how truly powerful he is both as the God of mischief and lies and mentally as someone who's been through so much.

"Can you tell if someone's lying?"

Wow that was random thing for me to say! I mean not if you read my mind, i just go on making connections and well I guess not everyone goes from "i like the nickname" to "he's powerful can he do this".

Loki seemed just as surprised but also amused, I guess I'm entertaining to him?

"I can."

He answered shortly, most likely not wanting to say anymore about his powers in case I'd later tell the avengers.

"That's so cool!"

How had our conversation changed this much in minutes? God I hope I'm not being annoying! I know most people don't like switching topics so quickly...he might soon find me annoying

I don't want that to happen. Should I just shut up?

"I suppose it is...cool?"

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