151- Twins

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Giving up is also a choice when you give up before you're done.

151- Twin? 

Jack looked blankly towards Nandini in still shock.

"Get the car, I don't want to die" Nandini scowled at Jack, he looked her top to bottom, and she rolled her shoe to get stable in place under his hard grip.

"It's ready"

"Call a doctor to treat me" He shouted at them, soon Jack came with a doctor, and he tried to give anaesthesia to pull the bullet but he didn't agree.

A loud scream left his mouth as the doctor pulled off the bullet ripping his flesh. His body trembled with sheds of pain which he embraced gulping as goarn. Nandini was so surprised to see him holding the pain like showing his determination to fulfil his urge. Just for money none can go to this extent she thought in her mind.

Once the doctor completed adding stitching and dressing the wound, Manik stood up wrapping his left arm around her neck and walked out dragging his bleeding limb along landing his weight more over her. She took it on and went along, still pointing the gun he asked the guard to drive and warned none to follow them. After driving few miles he dragged her out of the car and inspected her pockets before shifting to another car. He tied off her hands and legs before throwing her in the back seat and drove into the forest.

That's a long way, his legs were bleeding alot still he drove at a speed of lighting, she coldly noticed the route remembering clues of locations they passed making the way to thick dense woods.

She lost the track in the woods as he stopped the car and dragged her into the thick forest seems like a walk of a few miles there reached a wooden house, and soon he dragged her up and threw her over the hard floor sitting on the chair screaming out throwing up his pain.

"Did I do anything to you bitch! But just like your bitchy father wanted to bite the one feeding you. I thought to swear you and your little daughter but it's just done, you better all die together in my hands."

"I don't mind dying with my love, just tell me where is he" she scowled crawling on her butts.

"That garbage is behind, didn't die yet" He snapped landing the gun over his side table and gulped a painkiller.

Pulling the sheets aside Nandini glimpsed at Manik lying on the floor, she leaned on his chest and heard his stable heartbeat which made her relieved he was just sleeping, there were no injuries on his body and no sign of any poison but he was unconscious.

"Seriously, how can you both look alike? Had we slept?" Nandini asked in disbelief looking at both, he rolled his eyes and looked at her there was no clue of any fear in her eyes, she was happy seeing Manik behind.

"Not yet but we will soon"

"Seems you didn't learn even after I shot. Hmm okay, why not now, I just shot your leg rest all works right. I would like to negotiate with you, just take what you want and let us go. We can just settle things by talking and touching why this all weapons"

"I want my life back can you give it" he scoffed holding in his pain.


"Yes, my twenty-eight years of life. I want to snatch off everything from him, including his wife and child. He should know how it feels to be dumped alone, he should know how it feels when someone snatched his everything, once I rejected taking you but today it's not... I will take you right here and I want him to watch everything, he should see how his wife been used by me."

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