84- Lie

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84- Lie

Overrated the book with your overrated love just speechless reading the comments💕💕

Nandini got dressed up and came back to his room and was surprised to see him lost looking at her drawing. 

"Shall we leave now?" Nandini asked putting her hand on his shoulder getting him out of his thoughts.

"This drawing?" Manik mumbled looking at it. 

"This is the place I saw in my dream, I never had such dreams before so I thought of sketching it"

"I also saw this place"


"I don't know but this was a familiar place. I have seen this place this clock too" Manik said showing her the special peacock wall clock over the wall in the drawing which she drawn.

"Means it's a place hidden somewhere, first we will go to your farmhouse and start from there and don't involve more members" Nandini advised pulling on her coat.

Manik told Jack to handle the day activities of his ongoing projects and he went to the farmhouse along with Nandini.

Clearing the mess Manik opened the door. in the bright daylight the house looked dull due to the dust and the furniture was clobbered with white sheets and some spider webs to the ceiling and corners.

Asking her to stand at the door Manik walked inside and turned on the lights for her and checked the house making sure there were no harmful creatures inside. There are high chances of snakes in unused buildings for heat. He doesn't want to risk her in anything.

Once he confirmed asked her to follow him and they together checked all the room to find the lab but couldn't find it. Both felt disappointed and looked at her tabbing his feet to the floor. Nandini looked at her room and the walls. She tried her best to recall her childhood but she is too young then it wasn't working. The wall was filled with Nandini's drawings with canvas and she also wrote her name in the corner of her art as Manu's Angel.

"Ahh, we found nothing" Manik shouted frustrated.

"We will find it soon! Ask your team to collect fingerprints in this room as well"

"But this was not on our list"

"We should confirm who visited this room before us. If there was any other person we can get more information may be the criminal." Nandini said, Manik agreed with her detective mind. He got so much confidence working with her. She was right together can give best and fast outcomes. His ten years of investigation was crossed in just a day.

His team collected fingerprints and some suspicious glass pieces on the floor. Once they are done Manik again locked the house and looked on.

"Can we get this farmhouse blueprint?" Nandini asked looking at the building.

"Planning will be according to rooms. The secret places will not be available in any blueprint. Because they are to be left secret" Manik said. 

"But you might have one by the engineer to construct such a secret place" Nandini asked much curiously.

"Yeah, it's a master plan. This farmhouse plan only mom knows. Anyway I will ask dad"

"How will you ask? Won't he get suspicious if you ask him suddenly"

"Yeah, we can't ask" Manik muttered upset.

"Shall I tell you something?" Nandini asked looking at the messy house from outside.

"Yep, tell me"

"Whatever happened to aunty is so wrong but punishing this house is not at all right, you only said to me that she built this farmhouse with all her heart. She designed every inch of this place, she invested her heart to decorate this place and her soul was resting here. She had a lot of memories here. Even after a such bad event she still stayed in this place that states how much she loved this place. Is this right to treat such a holy place in this way? This place saw her growth, happiness,  family, love, life and pain at the end her death too. This place was more precious for her and for us too.  Manu, if you love her kill them and turn this place back to beautiful. Her soul will be here seeing us. Don't destroy her creation" Nandini whispered calmly explaining the situation. He paused for a while hearing her out.

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang