104- Private Celebration

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All the great love stories have less lovemaking yet with great bonding. 

Mature content ahead but softer 😁

104 - Private celebration

Manik ran inside to her room and stood near her door peeping inside the partially opened door where Nandini was struggling hard to unzip the dress fully. Manik jumped inside and hugged her from behind.

"Offo, remove this and hug" she scoffed in anger yanking away his hands.

Softly unzipping her dress he let it fall reliving the heavy load. She jumped out of the dress and ran inside the bathroom.

Manik folded the dress and placed it aside before leaving to his room. After a good shower, he dressed in shorts and tee. while walking back to her room he notices a huge panel wrapper on a brown sheet which seems like a gift parcel. He noticed a sweet note written "Congrats Manik Victor and Nandini from Rosy"

Manik opened the gift curiously and was awestruck seeing their photograph of him holding Nandini in the air and both in convocation suits. He got a happy smile seeing the huge thirty-inch frame reflecting their happy memory. Meanwhile, Nandini came to his room putting on her shorts and tee. She was so comfortable with Manik that she was comfortable choosing any outfit she wished and expressing her every opinion.

"What was that?" Nandini asked surprised by seeing him smiling at the frame. he pulled her on his lap and showed her the huge frame.

"You got this click! Wowww! So amazing" Nandini exclaimed in joy.

"Not me. One of my media friend gifted us" Manik smiled by wrapping his hands around her waist. 

"Not bad there are good people in the media also"

"haha, there are some journalists who work for society.  She is one of them when all spoke badly about us she published a different article positively. Then I thanked her by sending flowers and a Mac Pro"

"Ahaan, sending gifts to lady journalists. That also Mac!" she giggled teasing him.

"It's a good one for typing she may not have one so I gifted it."

"Cute boy, I'm so happy." She smiled hugging her manik took her left hand twirling her fingers and he got her hand to kiss. Before he kisses her hand she pulled her hand away from him. 

"It's toxic you shouldn't touch" She screamed in panic snatching away her hand. He looked at her wounded hand which happened due to her experiment.

"What happens to your hand?" Manik asked taking her hand back in his palm while examining it.

"Hmm, nothing just tested some solution. It's fine nothing to worry"

"Are you out of your mind? Will any fool test such things on themselves?"

"But I just needed"

"Please, try to understand Nandini. Mom is experienced, I just expected you to complete graduation. Don't hurt yourself with this experiment. You are more precious to me. There are many people to help this world but I only had you."

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