His own reflection

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Rooh's pov:

It's been two weeks from the day Mikhail has told me his past. That day he left without saying anything and never returned back. I don't know what happened, everything was going good and he kissed me also but suddenly he sat up and left. His behavior was also unusual and cold like I have seen from the first day when I met him. I was worried for him and I don't have any phone to call him also. I asked Rene to call him from land line but he didn't picked it up. Why is he doing this? Or is he avoiding me? But why?

I know I forced him to tell me his past but it was for his own good. He had to let it out and need a closure as soon as possible or his condition will get worse. The things happened what I was scared for, his stepmother raped him. Is she even a woman or a human? How can she do this just to a seven year kid? She snatched his childhood, his happiness from him. He tainted his mind to that extent that he don't thinks as a normal human now.

What about his father? He is not his stepfather right? Then how can be abuse his own blood, his own son so cruelly? Didn't he felt sympathetic and bad for him and above that he asked him to man up?! He was telling a four year kid to man up? Seriously?!! Was he out of his mind?! I myself saw his cruel behavior towards Mikhail with my own eyes then what he have done to all those years of his childhood?

He had caused a lot of damage to his mind and heart then now he don't even knows the difference between wrong and right. They both have completed changed his mindset. He don't even know what things are normal or not. He didn't deserve that childhood infact no one does, but he had to experience that childhood, lived and survived that childhood. He is very strong to fight that life of his. I don't what would have happen to any other person instead of her, I think no one would be that strong mentally fight that abuse and harassment.

Now he have to fight for his justice. Will he have to fight only for his whole life? Don't he deserve a peaceful and happy life, don't he have the right to have a normal life without any abnormal thinking? If he want that life he will have to fight for it. He will have to get a closure then only he can move on from his panic attacks and nightmares. I know it will not be easy for him stop he will have to do it for himself and his future and present which is getting overpowered by his past.

I was concerned for his as to why he is not back home and when four days passed waiting for him, I decided to look for him. I went to the company to find him but the staff and his secretary didn't let me in. My gut feelings were telling me that he was inside and I tried to look for him but the staff and secretary was adamant to stop me and send me back and it turned my suspicion into confirmation.

I everyday went there to look for him and confront him what is his problem? Why is he avoiding me? A week past and he was still not back. I tried to contact him buy failed to do so. Then when the two weeks past my string of patience broke and I sneaked in the company with the help of my best friend, Ivan. He bumped me in the way to company and I told him everything then he helped me in sneaking inside the company. Without wasting any time I used the personal elevator and reached at the floor his office is at.

But before I could reach to the office his secretary came from somewhere and stopped me. I knew he was inside so I yelled and asked him to come out but he didn't which made me more angry. I shouted and shouted because of frustration building up in me from two weeks. If he don't wants to talk to me at least he can tell me like a mature man but no he wants to play hide and seek with me.

I even threatened him at the name of hanging with Ivan which I know he don't likes still it didn't effected him I guess. I know he a is grown up still acts like a kid. I went near to his office glass wall and told him how much angry I'm and I will not talk to him ever for what he is doing still he didn't come out and secretary asked me to leave from there. With heavy heart I decided to leave making my mind strong about the thought that I'm not going to come here again.

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