Damsel in distress

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Mikhail's pov:

Rooh left the room after dressing my wounds but how can I tell her that she can heal my outer wounds and scars but not the inner ones. What she did for me down stairs made me feel special in someone's life for the first time in my entire life. Despite of being so scared she fought for me with my father but it scared me also. I was scared for her because I didn't want her to face my father's wrath.

I went to my closet and wire loose trousers and a shirt. Anyways there wounds are nothing to me but I saw pain in her eyes for me. She was concerned for me which made me feel giddy and for to see again that concern in her eyes for me I'm ready to take that fucking beatings of my father again. I don't know how, they suddenly crashed in the mansion but I have to send them away by convincing them or I'm sure they will do something to Rooh.

I sat on my bed wanting to go in Rooh's room but didn't want to come out clingy to her. I'm becoming addicted to her and feels some kind of odd things when she is not near me. I'm fucking obsessed with her. I don't know what her presence brings to me but I feel free and at ease finding her near to me. If there is something which can bring her to me I will do it blindly. I need her in my life.

Suddenly I head the click of door and my insides felt happy that Rooh is back in the room. Is she here to stay with me at my hard time. Or is she has some work from me? I hopefully looked at the door and when the person came in front of me the lands slipped away from under my feet. My smile vanished from my face which was threatening to appear.

I froze at my place and my mind went numb. No! She can't be here, she can't be here, I can't be here alone with her in the room. No no no I have to leave from here. Please Rooh come back or I will die here. I started feeling suffocated in her presence and she smirked at me seeing me alone in the room. She closed the door behind her and I stood up from my place and my gaze at the floor.

Again my hands started trembling and breath coming in pants. No I can't have a panic attack again after Rooh calmed me down. I can't let her hard work go in vain. I have to control myself but I was failing in do so. Her heels started clicking against the floor and my head started spinning thinking of the outcomes.

She stopped in front of me and her scent hit my nostrils making me feel dizzy and my insides churned remembering all the bad memories comes with her. My hands were shaking and that's what she wants. No I can't let her take that satisfaction. I put my hands inside my pockets but my gaze was still on the floor.

"Оуу, мой малыш так рад меня видеть." came her annoying voice and I felt disgusted but remained quiet.
(Translation: Aww my baby is so happy to see me.)

His finger came and started tracing my jaw line and goosebumps raised at my whole body from disgust and fear. I'm a grown up man now she shouldn't have this effect on me but the irony was she still has that same effect on me which she had in my childhood.

"Вас настолько переполняют эмоции, что из вашего горла не вырывается голос?" she asked me amusingly but I decided not to answer her anything.
(Translation: Are you so overwhelmed of emotions that no voice is coming out of your throat?)

"Ты давно не встречался со своей мамой, ты не хочешь с ней поговорить?" she asked me faking sadness and I clenched my jaw at her words.
(Translation: It's been a long time you met your mamma, don't you want to talk to her?)

Her fingers started trailing down to my collar and she started opening the buttons of my shirt. My hands shot out from my pockets and I held her hands with mine stopping her. She exhaled sharply.

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