book 2 Part 26

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Selling gem apple sweets Magolor started to wonder if he would have enough to finish the day or he would have to close up early. His tactics were simple. He would use speakers to broadcast the sound of the fritters frying, and use fans to blow the sweet smell to the street to attract customers.

As deuce ace and grimm smelled something sweet they could help but check it out, yuu was stopping them from buying everything. "Woh that smells like heaven." Ace said, wondering what it could be. "Your telling me." Deuce relied. As the three ended up at a stall their eyes widened at who the seller was. "Magolor! Your a- that smell- what are you wearing?" Deuce said questions running through his head.

"Yes it's nice to see you. My gem apple sweets are selling at a quick pace. Would you like one?" Magolor asks. "Would I!? Of course." Ace says. "The price is 1000 Madol." Magolor said, rubbing his hands greedily. "That's expensive! What the heck, it's like theft!" Ace said looking at the prices. "Well since you can't find gem apples here it's actually a fair price." Magolor rebubbled. "Gah fine!" Ace said giving Magolor the money. As he was handed a gem apple fritter.

Taking a bite out of the fritter he was pleasantly surprised. "Wow ok so it might be worth the price." Ace said. Looking at the sweet "Myah Give me some!" Grimm demands. "Heck no you weasel! If it's this expensive then buy your own." Ace says protecting his dessert. "... it's not like it's the best thing I can make, my gem apple pie is the beast I have to offer!" Magolor says. The pie's price was 10,000 Madol. "Who would buy that!" Deuce said surprised.

"I've sold 10 so far. If this keeps up I'll have to shut down my stall before I planned to." Magolor said, putting a hand on his head. "Wow Magolor your really good at this." yuu says. "Yup, I ran a shop back home. I made a killing and enough to build a theme park." Magolor said, explaining his knowledge on the subject. "Anyways I have to shut this down now isn't it about time we get started on Riddle's plan." Magolor said, walking from behind the stall.

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