book 1 Part 2

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There was a knock at the door. Magolor, who had not left the lounge after that night, heard this. Walking to the door to open the door was met with Deuce. "Hello Deuce, how are you today?" deuce nodded. "Fine and you?" magolor smiled. Not that anyone could see, it was under his hood. "Fine, you're much more agreeable to find at my door than Ace." "I figured that he was here." Getting an idea Magolor giggled. "Why don't you say that to his face? He will reallllllly enjoy it this early in the morning."

In the lounge deuce looked at the books that were stacked on the couch. "Umm did you read all of these?" looking at Magolor with constern. "Yes, why do you ask?" looking at deuce. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Deuce asked him. "No I did not! Not that one night without sleep will affect me! How about we drop the topic. look who's coming down!" low and behold Ace was coming down the stairs. "I figured I'd find you here." Deuce said. Ace, annoyed at the new guest, just said "Ugh. Deuce..." "So, you ate the housewarden's tart. You really are an idiot, Ace." deuce said. "Oh, shut up! Like you're one to talk! Anyway, uh... Is he still mad?" Ace snapped back at deuce and asked the last part nervously. "Not at all. Maybe a touch irritated, if anything. A few of our dormmates overslept this morning... But only three of 'em got your treatment." "You call that "not at all" mad?! Sounds like he's still on the rampage, to me." Ace reacted to deuce's report.

After both yuu and grimm came down they headed to the heartslabyul dorm.

"Move it! Outta the way! Night Raven College student comin' through! Oh? Did my collar catch your eye? It is way better than the one you're stuck with! You know, the one that makes it so you can't use magic? But hey, the school could always use another janitor! Bwahahaha!" Grimm boosted. "I think he's suffered enough, Grim." yuu said softly. Magolor just looked annoyed at all of them. "Grrrrr! Trust me Grim, when I get my magic back, your hide is first up on the chopping block!" Ace said annoyed with Grimm's insults.

Deuce, the only one with an ounce of common sense, told them "Didn't the headmage JUST tell you yesterday, no more incidents? Regardless, you're not going to be able to participate in class if you can't use magic. So why not just apologize to the housewarden? It's a small price to pay for having the collar removed." "Aaaaargh! I hate this so! SO! Much!" Ace said. Magolor, tired of Ace's whining, said. "And I hate your whining so much." Ace gasped at this comment. "Please stop giving me a headache, will it hurt to be positive once in a while?" Magolor said, still pissed at ace.

Grimm then had to put something in "Hmm. Ya know, we do still have some time to kill before class starts. And I am kinda curious about the other dorms. Guess I'll go along and scope out the place while you make with the groveling." "Since when did this become a field trip?!" Ace said.

After entering the hall of mirrors to head to heartslabyul

"Dang, this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm." Grimm said. Irking Magolor "don't say that I just haven't been able to clean the place yet. I'm already done with a lot of the room. All I need to do now is do the dorms." walking into the maze they meet a new face. "Aww yeah, I am getting my paint on!" the orange haired boy says. Grimm, surprised by this, yells "Ah, someone's here." Not looking at Grimm the boy says "They all gotta be red, or it's "off with my head"!" "Whoa, déjà vu." Yuu said. "Huh...? You guys need something?" he said, now noticing the new people. "What are you doing there?" Ace asked. "Are you blind? I'm painting these roses red, duh." the boy replied "What? Why?!" deuce asked.

"Ah ha ha. So naïve, you put the "n" in newb. Hold the phone, I know you! You're the ones who broke a billion-thaumark chandelier and nearly got expelled for it, yeah?" the boy said. "That chandelier is gonna haunt us till the day we graduate, isn't it?" Ace said. "And you! You're the one who ate the housewarden's tart that same night! You guys are THE hot topic around campus! I've gotta get in on this fleeting fame. I'm just gonna grab a selfie real quick... It's cool if I post this on Magicam, right? Gimme your names so I can tag you." the boy says excitedly. "I'm Deuce Spade." deuce introduced himself. "Ace." said Ace. "I'm Grim, and that's my henchman, yuu." Sighing magolor put his book away. "Magolor is my name, how about you?"

"Uploaded! Sweet. Oh, I'm Cater Diamond, by the way. I'm a junior here at Heartslabyul. But Cater is fine. Or Cay-Cay if you're cray-cray! Soooo nice to meetcha" "Wow, he seems... superficial." yuu said. Magolor just gave a mhm.

"Ah, you're the prefect of that so-called Ramshackle House dorm, right? Like, I can't believe you actually live there! It's all gloomy and looks like hot garbage on Magicam. No filter could salvage THAT dump." Cater said, then he noticed Magolor "Oh! And you're the person that the mirror screamed at. Magolor right! The new ramshackle housewarden." "Y'know, you've done nothin' but diss us here, pal!" Grimm said. The boy then remembered something. "Gah, what am I doing? I don't have time to chat! The party's tomorrow. If we're not ready, it's "off with my head"! Hey, you kids wanna help me paint some roses?"

"Yeah, uh... Why are you doing that exactly?" Ace said. "Because red roses are so much more photogenic! Or...something...? And after that, I've gotta start getting things ready for the big croquet tournament. And that means coloring all the flamingos. *sigh*" Cater says. "You're colorin' flamingos now? Isn't anything the right color around here?!" Grimm says.

"Now it's coming into focus, Ace. That tart you ate must have been for the housewarden's birthday. That explains his reaction!" deuce said. "Hm? Oh, no, it's not Riddle's birthday." the boy tells the others. "Oh that's small heart's name Riddle." Cater laughs at this. "You didn't know his name. That nickname is gold too. Hahaha" Rolling his eyes magolor just pulled his book out. "It's not? Then whose birthday is it?" Ace said

"It isn't anyone's birthday. Tomorrow is our dorm's traditional unbirthday party.

It's a special tea party we throw when no one has a birthday-if the housewarden feels like it."

Cater said. "And why would you do that?" Ace said. "Again with the questions! Listen, I need these roses to be red. Like, yesterday. Can't you guys help out with magic or something? Oh, but Ace is on magical house arrest and yuu is a total normie, so you two better stick to paint." Cater said.

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