book 2 Part 7

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Looking to where the voice came they saw the newest housewarden Magolor. "Now I may not know alot about what's going on, but from the sounds of it this "Draconia" seems to be a strong individual." Magolor said. "Now it may not be my place to say but I have an idea... how about handicap to all the housewardens." Magolor said.

As everyone looked at him. "It's what you want isn't it. To fight Draconia on equal footing so instead of just handicapping Draconia we can handicap everyone." Magolor said. as all the dorm leader's look at each other and actually start to discuss the pros and cons of handicapping themselves.

"It would be harder for our teams to fight against each other." Vil said. "Well your team wouldn't get the handicap you will." Magolor explains.

"What kind of punishment will be given to those who break this rule?" Riddle asked Magolor. "Simple a timeout. You'll have to sit out for four minutes if you break the handicap." Magolor replied.

"What kind of handicap are we talking about? Only asking because the rating could be affected by the kind of handicap" Azul asked. "No, it's fair enough for you to ask what kind of rule you'll be following. I was thinking perhaps instead of powerful spells we could use lower level spells. Stuff that beginners use" Magolor answers.

"Will Draconia have a different handicap?" Leona asked Magolor, his eyes narrowing at the other. "No he'll have the same handicap as the rest of us." Magolor said.

"Magolor how did you come up with this conclusion?" Crowley asked. "Well you said that not even Draconia's own teammates got a chance. How about we give them that chance." Magolor said.

"To say in truth I'm probably not as good as all of you when it comes to casting magic. But I would also follow the handicap rule if I was playing." Magolor said to be humble. "Besides, if you know how to cast lower level spells very well it becomes easy to cast spells of the same variety at higher levels." Magolor explains to the others. "See this as a learning experience as well that could help you future studies." Magolor said.

"I see nothing wrong with handicapping, it will make this whole experience less sweaty." Vil said. "I agree it would help balance out the teams." Azul comments. "I don't see why one more rule will be a problem." Riddle said. "It sounds stressful. I'm against this" Idia said. "I don't need a damm handicap to beat that overgrown lizard." Leona states his opinion against the idea.

"It seems that's settled, all the housewardens will have a handicap." Magolor said, clapping his hands. "Thanks for your support!" Magolor said, looking at Vil, Riddle, and Azul. "Well, that was the last item on today's agenda. Everyone, remember to submit your registrations. Not that I would be upset if it were to slip your mind... Heh heh heh." Azul said. "Incidentally, where IS Malleus? Did everyone forget to invite him again?" Vil asked. "Oops!" both Riddle and kalim said.


"The Spelldrive tournament rosters should be final any day now." a student said. "Have you come up with any flashy new spells?" his friend asked. "You know it! I already showed one to Professor Crewel and he seemed pretty impressed. I can't wait to show it to Housewar- " the first student stopped his step midair on the stairway. As he fell he yelled out.

"Hey! What just happened?! Why'd you tumble down the stairs like that?!" his friend said worried. "My ankle... It hurts!"the other student said, wincing in pain. "Oh no! We gotta get you to the nurse!" his friend said, pulling him up.

"Shyeheehee!" a student laughed nearby.

Magolore the dark wizardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora