prolong Part 3

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As everyone was heading out he looked for the person who would lead him to ramshackle but no such person was around. Walking up to the darkly dressed man he looked at him clearing his throat. The crow man looked at him "sir who will lead me to this ramshackle?" as the man looked at him he realized something "oh sir uh Magolor was it?" the brown skinned boy nodded at him "yes that's me sir and may i know who you are?" then it's like something clicked in his head. "Yes I'm the headmage at this fine institution Crowley! Since there is no dorm leader for ramshackle at the moment I will guide you to the dorm after I deal with sir yuu" turning to yuu he spoke "Well, yuu. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy. But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home. Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came."

wait this kid's name is yuu. Magolor would smack himself in the face if it wasn't for the fact he was in company. After yuu let out a phew and said something about a long dream. Magolor sat down and looked as crowley tried to send yuu back home with no success. After the mirror told them his home didn't exist Magolor let out a sigh. "Hey, I think I have a way that might get him home." Crowley snapped his head without a second thought and asked "really sir Magolor you have a way?" a nodding magolor started to think about his friends putting his hands up and a ship started appearing. "Lore starcutter", a mini ship, fell into one of his hands. His eyes went wide. Comically his eyes started to water "my ship! Lore, what have they done to you!" holding it he fell to his knees. "Well that was disappointing. What do you think a tiny ship like that would do?"

Magolor Feeling dejected let the Lore starcutter fly around him. Crowley then asked yuu abut his home, then Crowley spoke once more "I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me.

Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?" And Magolor is back! "You mean there's a library here!" Magolor's eyes lit up "oh i forgot you were here well will you help us?" nodding Magolor stood right up. "Let's go, time's a wastin" This amused Crowley with the new student's energy when it came to the matter of a library.


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