prolong Part 8

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Deuce then spoke up "I agree with Ace on this. No way could I work together with him." Magolor smirked "but you just agreed with him about something. Isn't that working together?" yuu then said something in Magolor's opinion that was smart "Yeah, but... Gettin' expelled on the first day... That's pretty lame too. Maybe even lamer." Magolor then rubbed his hands together. "Ya suuuuuper lame! So lame I would've spread rumors about the two, being so incompetent that it would stop them from getting into another school!" grinning, he gave a cheeky laugh. "W-well..." Ace said, kinda terrified of Magolor's scary expression. Deuce just refrained from saying anything.

Magolor looking at yuu still grinning asked yuu something. "Don't you think it's lame yuu?" yuu looking at Magolor looked at him realizing what they should say and said, "Yeah, there's nothing cool about that!" Ace giving up said "Gah... Fine. Let's just get this over with, then.

All right, guys. What's the plan?" both grinning and brewing ideas. It was like they were telepathically communicating. They were on the same wavelength. Then they came up with an idea.

"Guys... Is this plan of yours really gonna work? I'm sca- I mean, I'm a little... uh, hungry." Grimm said, trying to look brave. It was amusing and honestly it made Magolor want to laugh. "Then let's brace for the worst." yuu said. Ace now back on his feet and in all honesty kinda relieved that yuu got Magolor to come with them said "Heh heh. That's certainly not gonna help! Keep it loose and keep it lively. Let's do this!"

"H-hey, monster! I'm uh... I-I'm over here!" Grimm yelled nervously. The monster yelled in kind "Grrraaawrrr! BEGOOOOONE!" "He's comin' our way! Yuu!" Grimm said "Right over here, monster!" yuu yelled. The monster took a swing at them "Grrurgh? Thieeef thiiis waaay tooooo... Neeevvva giiive stooones! Neeevvvaaa!" Grimm, now terrified, exclaimed "Eep! If it lands one of those punches, we're toast!" yuu in all honesty was terrified but confident in their plan told Grimm "Let's lure him as far from the cave as we can." the monster running after them screamed "Begooone! BEGOOOOOOONE!" Grimm and yuu ran behind Ace and Deuce "We got him a good distance away from the mine!" yuu then told the two magic users "We're counting on you!" "You bet. I got this! One extra-large gust of wind, comin' up!" Ace exclaimed.

"With a side of Grim's blazin'-hot fire! MYAAAH!" Grimm shot his flame out. The monster hurt screeched out. "How's that taste?! With my winds fanning them, even Grim's feeble flames can become an inferno!" flaunting his magic. "Whaddaya mean "feeble"?! Ya really don't know how to shut yer mouth, do ya?" Grimm says, pissed at Ace's comment. "Now's our chance!" yelled yuu. Now it was deuce's turn. "Nailed it! The plan's workin'! Look, yuu! That monster got smashed flat by a falling cauldron, just like Ace did!" Ace, still salty about the cauldron incident, said "Coulda done without the reminder, thanks! This has been one drag after another." deuce nervously said "where's the guy? He should be back by now." looking for the odd student. To their side magolor spoke "right here" the two looked at him looking for the stone. As Magolor balanced it on the tip of his hand. "Great, now let's get out of here," Deuce says

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