book 2 Part 5

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At the housewardens' meeting Magolor couldn't help but compare it to the 'hero meetings' he's been to. They're so infrequent that the total held could be counted on one hand, so no one could deny going. But the tension was just as thick.

"I call to order this meeting of housewardens. Our agenda today concerns the October Spelldrive tournament. Let us begin with the report from the head of the tournament planning committee: Mr. Ashengrotto of Octavinelle house." Crowley started. Making Magolor turn to Azul, Magolor wrote down what he said.

"Greetings. I am Azul Ashengrotto, and it is my honor to lead the planning committee. I am pleased to announce that we have fully booked the grounds surrounding the coliseum. All of the kiosk space allotted to both internal organizations and external businesses is now full." Azul said. "Sweet! This tournament should be a real lively one, then." the person he came to know as kalim said.

"All invitations to various royalty have been sent, and public tickets are selling briskly.

And, as in past years, we have received numerous requests to cover the event from both television stations and print media." Azul said. "Sounds like the whole world will be watching.

Before I was admitted here, I looked forward to receiving my VIP invitation every year. I imagine you got them too, Leona? We might have run into each other at the tournament when we were kids!" kalim said. "Who knows? And also, who cares?" Leona added.

"I still don't understand why this event would garner so much attendson." Magolor said offhandedly. "Magolor this is a big deal since we're allowing the public to see our students' progress." Crowley said. Magolor was so much more manageable before the talk of the whole world seeing a performance. "Seeing improvement is good and all but showing off magic is nothing compared to the likes i've seen people show off their pure strength." Magolor sighed.

"This year, I'll have to work extra hard on my makeup to make sure I'm shining like a diamond on the new Ultravision displays. With all the exertion, I'll need to be touching it up constantly!" Vil said. "*Sigh*... House Pomefiore is the only dorm that regularly calls timeouts to fix their makeup." Riddle said, shaking his head. "How can you all be so excited to be on TV? Just the idea of it makes me wanna puke." Idia's tablet said.

"*Ahem!* As I was saying." Azul said. "Oops, sorry!" kalim said. "Now, as soon as your dorms' player rosters are settled, I'll need your registration documents. Any dorm that is even a single day late-" Azul was cut off. "Will be promptly disqualified, I trust." Riddle said. "No. They will be charged a handling fee. Consider it remuneration for rush processing." Azul finished. "What? I don't approve of you changing the rules to allow for policy exceptions!" Riddle said.

As Magolor put a hand on Riddle's shoulder to calm him down Magolor spoke. "It's nice to see someone allowing late admittance, and the fee is a good punishment for people turning it in late." Magolor explained. "And I couldn't be more grateful for it! Ha ha ha!" Kalim said.

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